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Courses 202



French Immersion, Grade 9, Academic (FIF1D)

This course enables students to enhance their knowledge of the French language and to further develop their language skills through the study of twentieth-century North American francophone literature and culture. Students will participate in oral communication, reading, and writing activities as they study an authentic novel and selected authentic poems, legends, songs, films, and newspaper articles from French-speaking parts of North America.

Core French, Grade 9, Academic (FSF1D)

This course emphasizes the further development of oral communication, reading, and writing skills. Students will build on and apply their knowledge of French while exploring a variety of themes, such as relationships, social trends, and careers. Thematic readings, which include a selection of short stories, articles, and poems, will serve as stepping stones to oral and written activities.

Core French, Grade 9, Applied (FSF1P)

This course emphasizes the concurrent development of oral communication, reading, and writing skills, using a broad-based theme such as the media. Students will enhance their ability to understand and speak French through conversations, discussions, and presentations. They will also read short stories, articles, poems, and songs, and write brief descriptions, letters, dialogues, and invitations.       


French Immersion, Grade 10, Academic (FIF2D)

This course enables students to increase their knowledge of the French language and to further develop their language skills through the study of twentieth-century European francophone literature and culture. Students will participate in oral communication, reading, and writing activities based on a variety of French literary and media works. They will study at least one novel and a selection of poems, short stories, films, plays, and newspaper and magazine articles.

Core French, Grade 10, Academic (FSF2D)

This course enables students to increase their knowledge of the French language, further develop their language skills, and deepen their understanding and appreciation of francophone culture around the world. Exploring a variety of themes, students will develop and apply critical thinking skills in discussion, in their analysis and interpretation of texts, and in their own writing.​



French Immersion, Grade 11, University Preparation (FIF3U)
This course develops knowledge and language skills through the study of francophone literature and culture from around the world. Students will study novels, plays, poems, short stories, films, and non-fiction works and produce written assignments in a variety of forms, including critiques and précis. They will also write a formal research essay. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.​
Core French, Grade 11, University Preparation (FSF3U)

This course draws on a variety of themes to promote extensive development of reading and writing skills and to reinforce oral communication skills. Students will gain a greater understanding of French-speaking cultures in Canada and around the world through their reading of a variety of materials, including a short novel or a play. Students will produce various written assignments, including a formal essay. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.


French Immersion, Grade 12, University Preparation (FIF4U)
This course provides for extensive study of French literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present. Students will study novels, plays, poems, films, and non-fiction works produced in various historical periods, and will write a formal research paper. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.​

Core French, Grade 12, University Preparation (FSF4U)

This course draws on a variety of themes to promote extensive development of French- language skills. Students will consolidate their oral skills as they discuss literature, culture, and current issues. They will read a variety of texts and will write a formal essay. The use of correct grammar and appropriate language conventions in both spoken and written French will be emphasized throughout the course.


This course builds on students' previous education and language knowledge to introduce them to the English language and help them adjust to the diversity in their new environment. 
Students will use beginning English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing for everyday and essential academic purposes. 
They will engage in short conversations using basic English language structures and simple sentence patterns; read short adapted texts; and write phrases and short sentences. 
The course also provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to begin to adapt to their new lives in Canada. ​

This course extends students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English for everyday and academic purposes. 
Students will participate in conversations in structured situations on a variety of familiar and new topics; read a variety of texts designed or adapted for English language learners; 
expand their knowledge of English grammatical structures and sentence patterns; and link English sentences to compose paragraphs. 
The course also supports students' continuing adaptation to the Ontario school system by expanding their knowledge of diversity in their new province and country. 
This course further extends students' skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English for a variety of everyday and academic purposes. 
Students will make short classroom oral presentations; read a variety of adapted and original texts in English; and write using a variety of text forms. 
As well, students will expand their academic vocabulary and their study skills to facilitate their transition to the mainstream school program. 
This course also introduces students to the rights and responsibilities inherent in Canadian citizenship, and to a variety of current Canadian issues. 

This course prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in classroom and social situations and to participate in Canadian society as informed citizens. 
Students will develop the oral-presentation, reading, and writing skills required for success in all school subjects. 
They will extend listening and speaking skills through participation in discussions and seminars; study and interpret a variety of grade-level texts; write narratives, articles, and summaries in English; and respond critically to a variety of print and media texts. 

This course provides students with the skills they need to make the transition to college and university preparation courses in English and other secondary school disciplines. 

Students will be encouraged to develop independence in a range of academic tasks. 

They will participate in debates and lead classroom workshops; read and interpret literary works and academic texts; write essays, narratives, and reports; and apply a range of 

learning strategies and research skills effectively. Students will further develop their ability to respond critically to print and media texts. 


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