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Special Services Department 202
Special Services Department

Aurora High School has a range of programs to enhance the needs of students identified as exceptional through the IPRC process (Identification, Placement, Review Committee). Students receive an IEP (Individual Education Plan) that outlines the specific accommodations needed as decided by a psycho-educational assessment by a qualified psychologist. 

Give me a fish, and I can eat for a day. 

Teach me to fish, and I can eat for a lifetime.

Special Services Programs: Placement into All Programs Decided by an IPRC

Learning Strategies (GLE1O/GLE2O): These courses focus on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management skills, interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve achievement in school, the workplace and the community. The course helps students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond. The Grade 9 program will focus on strategies for success in high school and the Grade 10 course provides support for students to prepare for the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test).

Learning Strategies (GLE3O/GLE4O): These courses improve student's learning and personal management skills, preparing them to make successful transitions to work, training and post-secondary education destinations. Students will access their learning abilities and use literacy, research skills and personal management techniques to maximize their learning. Students will investigate trends and resources to support their post-secondary educational choices and develop and plan to help them meet their individual goals. 

Autism Class: This program is designed to provide an alternative class for high school aged students identified with Autism and require a great deal of direction and support. This is a non-credit life skills program.

Level of Service Available

Indirect Service: Provided to students who are placed in all regular classes. It is determined that the student has the necessary advocacy and independent skills to be successful with minimal support from the Special Services Department. A SERT will monitor their progress and meet periodically with the student to determine any necessary supports. The IEP will be updated and provided to their teachers to outline their specific accommodations.

Resource Assistance: In-class or resource room assistance from a Special Services Department member is determined by the individual student needs and as outlined in the IEP. All accommodations are monitored by a SERT in consultation with the classroom teacher.

Withdrawal Assistance: Students have an opportunity to take a Learning Strategies class taught by the SERT. This teacher will develop the IEP in consultation with the student and parent / guardian. These courses provide the student with direct access and support from the Special Services teacher every day for either Semester One or Semester Two. Learning Strategies courses are offered from Grades 9 to 12.​

Partially Integrated: This is the Autism Program which is a non-credit program based on Ministry curriculum guidelines that are modified or alternative to the curriculum, as set out in the IEP. The program places emphasis on the development of literacy, numeracy, personal and social skills, communication skills, culinary skills, money management, transit training and community exploration and work experience. The program provides a balance between academics and learning opportunities which promote and challenge each student to reach a maximum level of academic achievement, independence and citizenship.

Special Services Department Staff

SERTs (Special Education Resource Teachers)                                     Email
Ms. Nina Korp (Department Head)                                               
Ms. Mary Anne Gans                                                                       
Ms. Dilnaz Garda                                                                              
Mr. Timothy Hartley                                                                         
Ms. Mary Traikos                                                                              
Ms. Bernadette Nepp (CYCW)                                                        ​

Community Autism Class
Ms. Gemma Mrkobrada (Teacher)                                                
Ms. Adele Ashbourne (ISW)                                                           
Ms. Rosemary Blois (DSW)                                                             
Ms. Korey Doner (Special Ed Assistant)                                        

Intensive Community Class
Ms. Kiana Lawrence (Teacher)                                                        
Ms. Marjory Kangas (Special Ed Assistant)                                   

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