York Region District School Board
The Mission of the York Region District School Board is “To advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community.”
Bill Crothers Secondary School
Focus on learning through a healthy and active lifestyle; Develop literacy and numeracy for life-long learning; Ensure flexible programs that follow the Ontario Curriculum; Emphasize post-secondary pathways to learning and career choices; Facilitate professional learning and research; Create an athlete-friendly environment of learning; Provide a safe and supportive school environment.
Bill Crothers Secondary School (BCSS) is an inclusive, character-focused learning environment that links excellence in education and athletics with a commitment to healthy, active living for all students. BCSS is a school for public secondary students across York Region. It will serve as a catalyst for the development of health and physical education programming as well as sport and academic innovation.
To develop in students the love of sport through learning and the love of learning through sport.