Welcome to
the English Department at Bur Oak Secondary School. Our contemporary program aims to develop
students’ thinking and communication skills so that they can thrive in our ethnically
diverse, political, digital, and rapidly changing world. In our classes, students read current novels,
discuss current events, and use current online software.
Reading Program
Book clubs
or literature circles are a main feature of our program. Students in academic and
university classes do not read traditional, whole class novels. Instead, students choose from a wide variety
of current novels and form small groups.
Students read their novels independently and chronicle their thinking about
the novel in a journal. Then, students meet in their small groups with the
teacher to discuss the ideas in their journals.
Students also select current texts at our school library for their
independent reading projects.
Students in
locally developed, applied, workplace, and college classes read the same novel
together as a class to allow the teacher to set the pace and provide support
during reading. Though students in these
classes read the same text together at the same pace, the fiction and
non-fiction selections in these courses are still current and engaging.
Inquiry Model
The inquiry
model is another main feature of our program that enables students to develop their
critical thinking skills as they pass through different stages of the writing process. Students either select or formulate a central
topic or question which they examine throughout the course. Through each unit, students must reflect on
how their recent reading experiences, viewing experiences, and discussions have
altered their thinking about the central topic or question. This topic or question serves as the ‘thesis’
of their major writing task which is developed and revised on an ongoing basis through
one-to-one conferencing with the teacher, whole-class writing workshops, editing
and feedback days with peers, and formative written feedback from the teacher
upon first submission.
While the
inquiry model is combined with the writing process in all academic and university
classes, it is not used in locally developed and applied classes. Students in
these classes focus on the standard five-paragraph argumentative essay. Using inquiry to produce written work that
goes beyond the five-paragraph argument occurs once these students enter
workplace and college courses.
Students in all classes use software tools to
create slide shows, podcasts, public service announcements, mini-documentaries,
and digital anthologies. Resources and
tasks for each class are accessible on Moodle or in Google Classroom. All written work can be produced, submitted,
and assessed electronically using a combination of word processing software, Google
Apps (e.g. Docs, Slides, Sites), Moodle, and Turnitin.
Course Outlines
Course Info slides
Grade 9 Academic English Outline
Grade 9 Locally Developed English Outline
Grade 10 Academic English Outline
Grade 10 Applied English Outline
Grade 10 Locally Developed English Outline
Grade 11 NBE University English Outline
Grade 11 NBE College/Workplace English Outline
Grade 11 Open Presentation and Speaking Skills Outline
Grade 12 University English Outline
Grade 12 College/Workplace English Outline
Grade 12 University/College Writer's Craft Outline