Introduction to the Intermediate Division
From The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8: Language, 2006 (revised) the Ontario Ministry of Education notes:
The expectations for Grades 7 and 8 focus on the consolidation of students’ language knowledge, skills, and strategies and their ability to use them independently and effectively to understand, reflect on, apply, and communicate information and ideas, and for continued learning in school and in a multicultural, multimedia world.
During the primary and junior years, students have acquired essential knowledge about language. In addition to the rich diversity of language knowledge from home and community that they bring to the classroom, they have a range of skills and strategies they can use to analyze, evaluate, and create increasingly complex oral, print, and media texts. They have also developed the ability to reflect on, monitor, and take steps to improve their language knowledge and skills in all strands. The expectations for Grades 7 and 8 build upon this foundation. Intermediate students consolidate and apply their language knowledge, skills, and strategies across the curriculum in order to learn in all subject areas as the content becomes increasingly challenging.
For a complete summary of the Intermediate learner from the Language Curriculum please refer to the document below:
Grade 6/7: N. Jadavji
Grade 7: R. Dyal; A. Hughes
Grade 7/8: K. Styles
Grade 8: K. Chatzikikolis; T. Thavarajah; M. Murali