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Constitution 431
Article 1: Name and Address
The organization will be known as Central Park School Council. The members of the school council shall be responsible for maintaining the constitution.
Central Park Public School
100 Central Park Drive
Markham, Ontario L3P 7G2
(905) 940-1444
Article 2: Mission Statement
“Our School Council believes that collaborative partnership among the school, the family, and the community is essential to improving student learning and increasing a shared sense of accountability for public education.”
Article 3: Purpose and Objectives
  1. Encourage effective parental involvement in the education process.
  2. Provide a means for regular communication and dialogue between all partners in education.
  3. Participate in the school improvement planning process.
  4. Provide meaningful consultation and extensive involvement of all members of the school community.
  5. Encourage meaningful involvement of all members of the school community in support of student learning and their education.
  6. Provide input into decisions made by the school administration, the Board and the Ministry.
  7. Encourage effective parental involvement by focusing on the following areas: parenting skills, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making and collaborating with community.
  8. Help to co-ordinate the services for school, family and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational and nutrition programs that assist in the education of children.
  9. Facilitate the building of a viable school community, which works together in the best interests of our students and their education.
Article 4: Procedures and Operating Guidelines
The operational procedures of this council are outlined in the YRDSB Policy and Procedure #262, available on the Board’s website. All recommendations and activities of the Council shall comply with all Ministry of Education Acts, York Region District School Board Policies and Procedures and Staff Collective Agreements.
Article 5: Membership
5.1         Number of Parent Members (Voting members)
The number of parents on the school council will be no less than five.
5.2         The School Principal (Non-voting member)
The school principal must be a member of the school council.  If he or she is unable to attend a meeting, he/she may send the vice-principal.
5.3         Number of Community Representatives (Voting members)
The number of community representatives will be 1 if such a person is interested and available.
5.4         Number of Student Representatives (Voting members)
The number of student representatives will be 1 if such a person is interested and available.  The student representative must be appointed by the student council, or elected by the student body.
5.5         The Teaching Staff Representatives (Voting members)
The number of teaching staff will be 1 if such a person is interested and available.  The teaching staff representative must be elected by the teachers of the school.
5.6         The Support Staff Representatives (Voting members)
The number of support staff will be 1 if such a person is interested and available.  The support staff representative must be elected by the support staff of the school.
Article 6: Elections
6.1             Timeframe
Elections must be held annually, within the first 30 school days of each school year.
6.2             Acclamations
Parent elections shall be by acclamation when the number of candidates is equal to, or less than the number of parent member positions on the council.
6.2       Election Procedures for Parent Members
  • Each parent/guardian seeking election must be nominated or self-nominated in writing, must have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by the Board.
  • Each parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote at the School Council meeting for each vacant parent/guardian membership position on the council. 
6.3         Terms of Office
Elected and appointed members may seek additional terms of office. There will be an active attempt each year to recruit new members for the Executive.
6.4        Vacancies in Membership
  • A vacancy in the membership of a school council does not prevent the council from exercising its authority.
  • If positions remain vacant, after the election, the council may appoint parent members.
  • Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as possible by offering the person with the next highest number of votes, the opportunity to accept the position. When there are no more candidates available, council may appoint parent members. 
Article 7: The Executive
7.1       The Chair.
At the first meeting, the attending members will elect one chair or two co-chairs, one of whom could be the past co-chair.
7.2        Other Officers
At the first meeting of the school year, the council will elect a:
>   secretary
>   treasurer
>   fund raising coordinator
>   meal days coordinator
>   parent volunteer coordinator
>   safe arrival coordinator
7.3        Vacancies in Office
Officer vacancies will be filled as soon as possible according to Article 7.1 and 7.2.
Article 8: Sub-Committees
At the first meeting of the school year, sub-committees may be formed to conduct more in-depth work or to make recommendations to the council.  For example:
Pizza and Other Lunches 
Additional sub-committees will be formed as the need arises. Sub-committees must include at least one parent member of council and may include persons who are not members of the school council.
All fundraising activities and expenditures must be conducted in accordance with Board policies and procedures.  Where possible, two or more individuals must be present when money is counted and bank deposits are prepared.
Financial records must be reviewed annually by an independent individual, preferably with experience in finance, chosen by the council.
Article 9: Conflict
9.1         Conflict of Interest
If individual council members perceive themselves to be in conflict of interest, they are honour bound to declare their conflict at the earliest possible opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration. 
  • A conflict of interest may be actual, perceived, or potential.
  • Members of the council shall declare a conflict of interest in matters that they, members of their families, or business entities in which they may have an interest, stand to benefit either directly or indirectly by decisions of the council.
  • A member shall exclude him or herself from discussions in which:
  • A conflict of interest is likely to result;
  • The member’s ability to carry out his or her duties and responsibilities as a member of the school council may be jeopardized;
  • The council member, his or her relatives, or a business entity in which the member may have an interest, may gain or benefit either directly or indirectly as a result of actions that may be taken by the principal or board in response to advice that the council provides to the principal or to the board.
  • A member shall not accept favours or economic benefits from any individuals, organizations, or entities known to be seeking business contracts with the school.
9.2           Conflict Resolution
The council will undertake to resolve all internal Conflicts within its mandate in a timely manner.
  • Every school council member will be given an opportunity to express his or her concern of opinion about the issue at dispute and how the dispute has affected him or her.
  • Speakers to an issue will maintain a calm and respectful tone at all times.
  • Speakers will be allowed to speak without interruption.
  • The chair’s responsibility is to clarify the statements made by all speakers, to identify common ground among the points of view raised, and to set out the joint interests of all members.
  • If no common ground can be identified, the chair will seek to clarify preferences among all members before proceeding further.
  • If all attempts at resolving the conflict have been exhausted without success, the chair shall request the intervention of a superintendent or other senior administrator to facilitate a resolution to the conflict. 
Article 10:  Constitutional Amendments
Constitutional amendments need a 2/3 majority to be passed.  In cases where the constitution and legislation disagree, the legislation takes precedence.
Article 11: Financial Records
11.1       Signing Authorities
The principal and two members of the school council (e.g. the chair and the treasurer) can be signing authorities. Two of three signatures will be required on the account.
11.2       Disbursement and Allocation of Money
All money must be collected by the end of the year. Funds should be dispersed or allocated to a specific purpose by the end of the year. Council should aim at having a carry-over amount not to exceed $5000.00 (to cover the costs of the yearly commitments) unless unusual circumstances exist which require the accumulation of a specified amount for an approved project.
11.3            Financial Records
Financial records must be prepared and form part of the minutes.  The school council must review and approve the financial records at each meeting. 
Article 12: Agendas and Minutes
12.1       Agendas
  • Agenda items should be submitted to the chair one week prior to the council’s next meeting.
  • The chair(s) will set the agenda with the principal, prior to the meeting. 
12.2       Minutes
  • Minutes shall be posted in the school prior to the next meeting of the council.
  • Minutes shall include motions, decisions and actions to be taken.
  • Members of the council must inform the chair if they are going to be absent from a council meeting.
  • Minutes of the previous meeting will be forwarded electronically in advance of the next meeting and made available in the school office.
  • Minutes should be available at the council meeting for review and approval and should form part of the agenda.
Article 13: Decision Making
Council will have to make many decisions.  When a vote is required for a specific agenda item, a decision shall be made only when majority of voting members are present and that majority of the voters are parent members.
Any decision that contradict provincial laws and regulations, local policy, or school council bylaws are out of order and invalid, even if voted on and passed by a majority vote.
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