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Homework Policy 438
Homework Policy
The York Region District School Board of Education defines homework as follows:
“Homework is described as those learning activities that are associated with the in-school program and which are completed outside the normal classroom time.”
Homework is designed to meet the following objectives
  • To foster the development of time management skills, good work habits, personal responsibility and self-discipline
  • To reinforce and extend skills and concepts that have been taught at school
  • To acquaint parents with their child’s in-school learning experiences
At Glad Park, we believe that the responsibility for homework should be shared among the students, teachers and parents.
Student Responsibilities
  • Use the agenda to keep an accurate account of assignments, additional responsibilities, time lines for longer projects, deadlines, etc. (Agendas are used in Grades 1-8)
  • Complete the homework as assigned to the best of their ability
  • Take home and return materials as required
  • Communicate homework assignments with parents/guardians

 Teacher Responsibilities

  •  Clearly outline instructions, expectations and evaluation criteria
  •  Set reasonable deadlines
  •  Communicate with students, parents and colleagues concerning homework
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
  •  Monitor what the child does - this is a window into the child’s skill level and programme
  •  Provide a regular, consistent time for homework, free from distractions, phone calls and television
  •  Ensure necessary resources are available (paper, pencils, ruler, dictionary)
  •  Inform teacher (by note, phone, etc.) when homework cannot be legitimately completed
  •  Monitor the child’s agenda
  • Read to and with the child on a regular basis (refer to Suggested Activities)
Suggested Homework Activities
All Grades:
Reading is an essential skill. It develops with practice. We expect all students to spend time at home reading each day. Sometimes students will have reading assignments given by their teachers. At other times students will read for pleasure. Personal reading could include magazine articles, newspapers, comic books, recipes, manuals, reference materials, joke books, novels, picture books, etc. Parents are asked to encourage their children to read materials that engage their interests. This will help enhance their reading abilities.
Activities by division:
* child is read to by others
* short activities or projects related to class work
Grades 1-3
* personal reading
* activities related to class work
* games
* writing
* completion of tasks
* reinforcement activities
* projects
* extension activities
Grades 4-6
* personal reading
* completion of daily/missed work
* review/practice of concepts/skills
* study for upcoming tests
* projects
Grades 7-8
* personal reading
* review of concepts/skills
* study for upcoming tests
* completion of daily/missed work
* making final copies of notes, etc.
* research projects




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