At the York Region District School Board we believe our mission is: To advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community. At Hartman P.S., we bring this mission to life by engaging students and motivating them to embrace learning in creative and innovative ways so that they are truly inspired to learn. Each student has his or her own learning style, and we strive to offer each student a unique way to learn. Whether through the arts, athletics, or initiatives such as our community garden, students are challenged to apply their learning in a variety of situations. We are working diligently to establish a trusting, safe and collaborative culture that is of the utmost importance in achieving student success. Literacy for the 21st Century is our highest priority and together with parents and community partners, we trust that each student will be prepared to meet any challenge.
We believe that every student and family plays a part in helping us reach these goals. Thank you for being an active, responsible member of our Hartman community.
Hartman Public School will be open at 8:30 a.m. every morning and our answering machine will take messages after 4:30 p.m. During the day, at high volume times, it may be necessary to have the answering machine on. Please leave us a message and we will get back to you in a timely manner. Your patience is appreciated. After hours, in case of any emergency, please call the area education office at 905-884-4477.
Please notify the school as soon as possible if your child is going to be away from school or late for classes. A message can be left on our voicemail at any time. You can call the school at 905-727-5938. We rely on you to help us account for all children quickly and efficiently each school day.
Hartman is a community school designed and located to support students walking to school. To avoid unsafe congestion in the parking lot, and to promote healthy living, we ask that families bike or walk to school.
In order to keep students safe, identify intruders, and protect instructional time all visitors and volunteers including family members must follow the procedure listed below:
- ring the buzzer and identify yourself to enter the school
- each person entering must be identified through the buzzer system
- sign in at the office upon your arrival
- wear a visitor or volunteer badge which is available in the office at all times
- wait outside at dismissal times and meet your child at their appropriate exit doors
15 mins following the entry bell in the morning, all doors, will be locked.