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Constitution 353
Herbert H. Carnegie Public School
Article 1: Name and Address
The organization will be known as Herbert H. Carnegie Public School Council (“Council”). The members of the Council shall be responsible for maintaining the consititution.
Herbert H. Carnegie School Council
575 Via Romano Blvd.
Maple, ON  L6A 1G1
Phone: (905) 417-0211
Article 2: Procedures and Operating Guidelines
The operational procedures of this Council are outlined in the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) Policy and Procedure #262, available on the Board’s website. All recommendations and activities of the Council shall comply with all Ministry of Education Acts, York Region District School Board Policies and Procedures and Staff Collective Agreements.
This Constitution shall be made available to all members of Council.
Article 3: Membership
3.1          Number of Parent Members
The number of parents on Council will be a maximum of fourteen. There shall be no more than one member from any one household.
3.2          Number of Community Representatives
The number of community representatives on Council will be maximum of four.
3.3          Other Members
Other members of Council such as teacher representative and support staff representative shall be elected or appointed in accordance with YRDSB Policy #262.

Article 4: Elections
4.1          Acclamations
Parent elections shall be by accalamation when the number of candidates is equal to, or less than the number of parent member positions on Council.
4.2          Election Procedures for parent Members
·         Each parent/guardian seeking election must be nominated or self-nominated in writing, must have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by the Board.
·         Each parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote for each vacant parent/guardian membership position on Concil.
4.3          Terms of Office
Elected and appointed members may seek additional terms of office.
4.4          Vacancies in Membership
A vacancy in the membership of a school council does not prevent the council from exercising its authority. If positions remain vacant, after the election, the council may appoint parent members. Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as possible by:
·         Offering the person with the next largest number of votes who was not elected, the opportunity to accept the position.
·         Where there are not enough candidates to fill the vacancies, notice will be sent to all parents informing them of the vacancies and application by interested volunteers sought.
·         If there are more applications than positions, an election will be called.
·         When no more candidates are available, council may appoint parent members.
Vacancies will only be filled until June of the current year, at which time the vacant positions will be filled through September elections.
4.5          Resignations
Anyone who is a Council member, except the principal, may resign their position by writing a letter of resignation to the chair or vice chair. If someone resigns the position vacated will be filled according to Article 4.4 Vacancies.
4.6          Removal
Council may choose to remove from Council any member who misses three consecutive meetings and shall undertake to replace that person according to Article 4.4 Vacancies. Removal of a member shall be done with consensus or by a majority vote by members at a regular Council meeting.

Article 5: The Executive
5.1          The Chair
At the first meeting after the elections, Council will elect one chair and one vice chair or two co-chairs. To be elected to the position of Chair or Co-Chair, the person MUST have served on the Carnegie School Council for at least one year.
5.2          Other Officers
At the first meeting of the school year, Council will elect:
a)      A secretary or two co-secretaries, and
b)      A treasurer
5.3          Vacancies in Office
Office vacancies will be filled as soon as possible according to Article 5.1 and 5.2
Article 6: Sub-Committees
At the first meeting of the school year, or as needed during the school year, Council may form sub-committees to conduct more in-depth work or to make recommendations to Council.
Sub-committees must include at least one parent member of Council and may include persons who are not members of Council.
Article 7: Meetings
7.1          Timetable of Meetings
·         At the first Council meeting of the new school year, a timetable will be created which states the meeting dates agreed to for that school year.
·         A copy of these dates and times will be included in communication(s) to the families of the school.
·         It is recognized that the timetable may change at any time.
·         A copy of the list of dates and times of meetings will be sent to the local trustee.
7.2          Quorum
A meeting will have quorum if the majority of Council members are present the majority of those present are parents. A meeting of Council can be held if there is no quorum but all voting will be deferred.

7.3          Decision-Making
The preferred method to resolve issues on Council is by consensus. Consensus is a collective opinion or general agreement by all Council members. In the case where a decision cannot be reached through consensus, the chair may decide on one of the following:
·         To have a vote by way of a show of hands or a silent vote by those present in which a 51% majority shall carry the vote.
·         To defer the issue to the next meeting.
·         To defer the issue to a special meeting.
7.4          Conflict of Interest
If individual Council members perceive themselves to be in conflict of interest, they are honor bound to declare their conflict at the earliest possible opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration. Council members cannot receive any remuneration for their work as a member of Council.
7.5          Conflict Resolution
Council will undertake to resolve all internal conflicts within its mandate in a timely manner. Council will abide by any conflict resolution policy issued by the Board.
Article 8: Financial Records
8.1          Signing Authorities
The Principal, the Chair and the Treasurer are signing authorities on the Council bank account. Two of three signatures are required and one signature must be the Principal’s.
8.2          Disbursement and Allocation of Money
All money must be collected by the end of the year. Funds should be dispersed or allocated to a specific purpose by the end of the school year.
8.3          Annual Audit
 Each year, the Council may request an independent audit of the Council books performed by an accountant.

Article 9: Agendas and Minutes
9.1          Agendas
Agenda items should be submitted to the chair one week prior to Council’s next meeting. The chair will set the agenda prior to the meeting.
9.2          Minutes
·         Once approved, minutes of Council meetings shall be promptly posted in the school.
·         The minutes shall include motions, decisions and actions to be taken.
·         Members of Council should inform the chair if they are going to be absent from a Council meeting.
Article 10: Constitutional Amendments1

Council will review the constitution as the need arises. A sub-committee can perform the review and bring proposed amendments to Council for voting. Amendments to the constitution must be presented to Council, at a regularly scheduled meeting. Constitutional amendments need a two-thirds majority to be passed.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 Articles 2, 4, 6 and 7 contain provisions which are mandated by YRDSB Policies and Procedures. Please ensure you refer to Regulations 612 and 613 as well as Policy 262 prior to amending this Constitution.
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