About the Program:
Cooperative Education is a credit granting, planned learning experience that integrates classroom theory with practical experience in the workplace. The work placement is directly related to an in-school subject (linked course) that enables the student to apply and refine the knowledge and skills acquired in a related curriculum course. Students earn credits when course expectations are met. Cooperative Education courses can be linked to any grade 11 or 12 courses. Entry into a Cooperative Education program is based upon the student having the necessary education background and maturity to handle the rigor of the curriculum.
Cooperative Education programs are linked to subject specific courses. To enrol in a Cooperative Education program, a student must have the subject-specific credit or be concurrently registered in the subject specific course that relates to the Cooperative Education placement. For example, working in the medical field would be appropriately linked to a related biology or physical education credit at the grade 11 or 12 level. Thus a credit in grade 11 or 12 biology or physical education allows a student to earn 2 Cooperative Education credits in a related biology or physical education work placement, such as a hospital or fitness centre.
How to Apply:
During course selection, in February, students need to make special application to the program through the Community Based Education teachers. The students bring their course selection form (completed on-line) to the co-op teacher(s) who will then register the student for the co-op program. Each student is given a Cooperative Education application form, 3 teacher reference forms and an interview form. When these forms have been completed and handed-in, the student will be granted an interview with the co-op teacher to determine their acceptance into the co-op program for the following year.
Specialized Cooperative Education Programs:
Ontario Youth
Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) - This program is designed for students
who wish to pursue a skilled trade while meeting the academic requirements to
graduate secondary school. Students may enrol in OYAP in grade 11 and may
continue with OYAP in grade 12. Enrolment is limited by the availability of
employers willing to take on apprenticeship trainees.
Accelerated OYAP/Dual Credit Program at
Seneca, Humber, Centennial and George Brown Colleges
This co-op program is offered to students in their last year of secondary
school who have acquired at least 26 of the 30 credits required to graduate
high school. Students work in a skilled trade while working on or obtaining
their level 1 apprenticeship certification in the skilled trade at a designated
college. Students who are highly focused and are able to complete the secondary
school co-op requirements in conjunction with the college requirements may
benefit from these reach-ahead opportunities. Students must be in good academic
standing and have excellent attendance and punctuality to be considered.
Students earn both high school and college level credits. Please see the
section on Dual Credits for more information.
Canadian Armed Forces - Militia Co-op
Students may earn up to 4 secondary school credits in semester 2 with
successful completion in this co-op program. To enrol students must be Canadian
citizens in good academic standing, have excellent attendance and punctuality
and must be 16 years of age with no criminal record. Students become active members of the Canadian
Armed Forces and receive their basic training at the John Graves Simcoe Armoury
215 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora, ON., during Semester 2. Students receive
a salary (minimum $9000), plus 4 high school credits and have the opportunity
to stay on either full-time or as a summer/part-time reservist in the Armed
Forces. Students must be in excellent physical condition to be successful in
this program.
Summer School Co-op
This co-op program is designed for students who are unable to fit the regular
full semester co-op into their timetable or for students who require two
credits to graduate high school. Students work weekends in May and June and for
5 weeks over the summer to obtain valuable work experience and 2 high school
Summer Cooperative
Education at Mackenzie Health Hospital
Health, in partnership with York Region District School Board and the Catholic
School Board will offer the opportunity to students enrolled in the Specialist
High Skills Major Programs in Health and Wellness, Business and Information and
Communication Technology to earn 2 co-op credits over 4 weeks in July. The summer school co-op applications are due
after the March break.
Please contact the Cooperative Education
Department in room 102B or call 905-417-9444 ext. 108 to inquire about
Cooperative Education or any of the related regional co-op opportunities.