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Programmes 404
Personalized Alternative Education (PAE)

PAE is a system of educational alternatives that has grown from the grass roots in each school.  These alternatives differ in that they frequently use unconventional classroom settings and
altered timetables in order to meet the individual needs of students.

Most PAE programmes take a holistic approach to student progress in that we create student programmes with the entire student in mind (social, emotional, mental, and academic). 

More specifically, behavioural and academic expectations will be mapped out on an individual basis. 
Factors such as living conditions, lifestyle choices, emotional wellness, personal triggers and learning
styles will be taken into consideration when creating a Plan of Care.

There is a focus on developing the skill set required for 21st century learning skills include:
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Collaboration through networks and leading by influence
  • Agility and adaptability
  • Initiative and entrepreneurialism
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Accessing and analyzing information
  • Curiosity and imagination 
Programmes offered at MDHS


Work Based Programme

These semester long programmes combine work experience with classroom learning.  In most cases, programmes consist of one day each week in class where students learn related workplace theory and may also earn a core credit such as English and Math.  The other days they earn ALEP (work experience) credits for performing well in a job placement.


Success Through Essential Programming 

This limited enrolment programmes is for students ages 14 or 15 who have below average attendance and/or grades; have attempted at least one semester of secondary school; and have not been successful with other alternatives.  The curriculum involves a full day of in-school programming in Grades 9 and 10 core subjects and is teacher-directed in a small group setting. 



These programmes are unique and vary from location to location.  They operate on a reduced class size (1:16 teacher student ratio) and combine teacher directed courses with independent learning and credit-recovery.  Students are out in the workplace for the rest of the week.  They generally follow the regular school semester.  


Exploring Opportunities Programme 

The Exploring Opportunities Programme is a board-wide specialty "high skills" program for students looking for an alternate approach to school and learning, that focuses on learning opportunities in the skilled trades.  This programme is intended to benefit students interested in participating in an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) in the future, with an emphasis on one of four trade sectors: Manufacturing, Construction, Service or Transportation
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