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Math Department 404
Math Department


The MDHS Mathematics Department offers a variety of courses to meet the needs of the school's diverse student population. Students have up to three options (Essentials, Destreamed, or Gifted) when enrolling in grade 9 math programs, but are not limited to a particular pathway as they progress through their high school career. At the senior level (grades 11 and 12), the courses are named to indicate the level of mathematics the student will need for their chosen destination after graduation.

Markham students have many opportunities to participate in contests that will challenge their abilities in the subject. Click on the link below for dates and preparation materials for these competitions.

Grade 9 EQAO testing occurs during the last month of each semester. Preparation for the test occurs in the weeks prior. Results from this test will account for 5% of every student's final mathematics mark. Additional material can be found by visiting the EQAO link below.

Homework is frequently assigned in all mathematics classes. It is vital that students perform math exercises at home as a means of strengthening their skills and broadening their knowledge base. Students are all encouraged to seek extra help from their classroom teachers when they are experiencing difficulty.
Some useful web-links for both parents and students:

 EQAO.  Education Quality and Accountability Office




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