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Physical Education Department 404
Physical Education Department
Welcome to the Markham District High School Physical Education Department. With 43 classes and eight teachers, we are possibly the largest Phys Ed. Department in York Region!  
Our success is partly related to the fitness lifestyle of the Markham Community which recognizes the importance of an activity-based, balanced lifestyle and also to the variety and quality of courses offered by the Department.
Our Grade 9s are introduced to a variety of activities that will provide a foundation of skills and help them explore the possibilities for their senior Phys. Ed. course options. Students in Gr.10-12 can choose to focus on a particular pathway to achieve their fitness and athletic goals or continue with broad-based course choices. Whether students select our Fitness and Weight Training Courses, our Outdoor Ed. choices or the traditional Sport and Recreation pathway, the opportunity to customize their program exists in many courses. Throughout all of our programs we have structured approaches to learning and pursue many specific outcomes, but four main objectives are forefront.  
First, we want to instill a lifelong love of activity in our students. We believe that students must get involved in activities that they enjoy so that they will continue with their fitness goals through the teen years and into adulthood. With this in mind, we focus on lifetime sports and activities that will be available to our students after they complete their formal education.  
Secondly, we created all of our courses to be participatory-based. Our course expectations and evaluations reflect that reality. In our busy lives and school schedules, finding time for exercise can be difficult. Fully understanding that Phys.Ed class may be the only exercise a student gets, we attempt to maximize the activity time in all courses. Expectations of student attendance, and vigorous, total participation is expected in order to be successful in each course.  
Furthermore, we believe that being active and learning lifetime skills is important…but there needs to be more. In today's competitive world, performance does in fact matter. We attempt to challenge all of our students to reach higher with their athletic and fitness achievements. To this end, we have fitness testing and achievement standards in almost all of our courses. Student results are evaluated against these standards as part of the final grade. It is important for students to accept this challenge and push themselves to perform beyond their expectations.  
And lastly, we strive to develop the entire person in each student, not just the athlete. Many students do not have the social experience of being involved in team sports. We attempt to place students in the appropriate competitive environment that is not overly threatening. This helps to develop social skills, confidence and character traits that are missing in many teenagers today. These valuable behavioural and leadership skills are evaluated during each unit of study in most courses.  
Our goal is to produce well rounded graduates who are confident, have character and leadership skills and lead healthy lives and encourage others to do the same.  
Mike Feasby
Head of Health and Physical Education

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