Who might be interested?
- Students entering grade 11 in September.
- Students who are focused on a specific career path or sector:
1. Construction
2. Not-for-profit (future leaders)
Benefits of SHSM
Students will:
- develop specialized knowledge and skills while establishing relationships with those in a chosen field
- gain sector-specific skills and contextualized knowledge
-"reach ahead" to desired post secondary destinations (apprenticeship, college university or work place)
- earn sector-recognized certifications and career-relevant training
- develop essential skills and work habits documented through the Ontario Skills Passport
- identify, explore and refine career goals and make informed decisions on their future
- be able to change between pathways if goals or plans change
- successful completion identified on the OSSD with a special red seal
- receive an official SHSM record documenting achievements including certifications and training completed
- some post secondary schools offering scholarships for successful graduates of SHSM program.
Contact Information
Contact the SHSM Coordinator, Mr. Weinstein at
(905)294-1886 ext. 519 or marc.weinstein@yrdsb.ca.
Community-based Education Department Head Ms.Vrensen or
Markham District High School Guidance Department.