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Technological Studies 404
Technological Studies



Technology is not just computers! Computers are simple tools we use within technology the same way we would use any other tool to help create practical examples of human imagination. Technology is defined as the use of knowledge to develop and produce goods and services useful to man. In turn these products of technology are used by engineers and scientists to further their investigations and for the development of more advanced or sophisticated products. We are where we are today because of inventions and technological advances. People are problem solvers and have always used those deductive thinking skills to change and improve the way we live.

The Ministry of Education has structured technological education with a broad-based philosophy. The broad-based programs we offer promote integrated learning, emphasize problem solving, place the process over the product and use the project as the vehicle for the student to learn by doing. Within the classroom the course delivery is different than the traditional technologies in that the content is student centered, activity-based, project driven and w open-ended problem solving techniques are used.

Technological education at MDHS focuses on developing students’ ability to work creatively and competently with technologies that are central to their lives. Their development as technologically literate individuals enhances their success in postsecondary studies and in the workplace. We also promote the integration of learning across subject disciplines. For example, in designing a technological tool, students may gain information about its intended use, about the materials used in the construction and etc. Technology can also support students’ work in other subjects. It develops research skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and more. The skills and knowledge that each student develops provides them with a solid foundation for careers in areas such as electrical engineering, communications, system technology and as technicians.

Mr. A. Hughes

Department Head

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