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News & Important Information for Families 452
News & Important Information for Families

The “Parkview Pulse!”

June 21, 2024

Upcoming Dates - mark your calendars!

June  24 Grade 8 Graduation 6pm @ BCSS

                  June 26                                              Firefighters Fun Day @ 1:30 Bring change of clothes and  


                  June 27 Last Day of School - 11:30am dismissal

* View our website home page for calendar updates!  (

School lunch program runs right to June 26. No lunch June 27

Firefighters Fun Day!

June 26 we have a fire truck visiting Parkview!

They will be running the fire hose from the truck and doing a spray down!  We will have a schedule from 1:30pm onwards for each class (likely about 5 minutes each).  To participate children must have:

  • Change of clothes

  • Change of footwear for wet play (e.g., crocs, sandals that can get wet, watershoes)

  • Towel

  • Be independent in changing clothing

This is OPTIONAL. Children who do not want to participate or do not have the above items can watch and cheer their peers on!

Thank you to School Council!

We would like to say a big thank you to the School Council!  School council has done an amazing job supporting school events such as movie nights and the Spring Fun Fair. School Council has also been integral to organizing fundraising events that has enabled the school to make purchases that have enhanced school life such as:

  • 21 new Chromebooks through the YRDSB Cost Sharing Program 

  • Providing a Parent Wellness Workshop for Parents through the ProGrant initiative

  • Purchasing new TV’s in classrooms to project learning

Through your donations we spent $12,000 and this was used to fund 

  • Classroom materials such as musical instruments for primary, additional sensory items for self regulation, replacement of worn out items, toys for classes (about 70%)

  • Classroom libraries/books (about 10%)

  • Classroom Trips to bring costs to be minimal or free (about 20%)

We also want to thank our executive team for all their leadership and hard work!

Co-Chairs: Nazish Hirji & Shiu-Chi Mo

Secretary: Vibhuti Mehra

Treasurer: Henna Alvi

PS - We are always looking for more members to join the School Council. Keep a lookout for our first meeting date at the end of September and come on out!

Administration Changes at Parkview

New changes are coming to Parkview Administrator.  Keri DeClute is being moved by the board to be Vice-Principal at both Reesor Park P.S. and Franklin Street P.S.  We thank her for all the hard work and dedication to the students at Parkview.

Welcoming to Parkview will be Ms Joanne Suh - newly promoted Vice-Principal!  Please welcome her warmly when you see her next year!

Food Survey - Lunches

Please provide feedback on school lunches for the year.  We are looking at possibly changing some providers while keeping the most popular.

Please remember, lunch programs are optional and we do this to help parents with the convenience of daily lunch. We are unable to provide a full/well rounded meal based on providers and cost.  Please continue to supplement with healthy snacks and additions to their lunches!  All children should have at least one daily healthy snack - or possibly two!

Please complete this survey about hot lunches!

Know someone moving into the area?

Do you have friends/neighbours who are moving into the Parkview area? Please ask them to confirm their home school location at

Families new to Canada should register at the Reception Centre

Canadian Citizens and those transferring schools should register at our area office (CEC East) which is located to the right of Markville Secondary School. 905-940-7800

For more information on registration please visit

Are you moving?

At any time you have moved or planned to move for next year, please inform the office of your new address so we can direct you for the proper support in terms of any new school registrations as needed. Information must be up to date in case of emergencies

Not feeling well?

If your child is not feeling well please keep them home - do NOT send children to school if they require medication such as tylenol/advil for fever! It is BEST if they stay home and rest.  We have seen a significant increase before March Break with illness.  Do your part and help keep others safe!

Please continue to check the COVID-19 Daily screening to see if your child should stay home from school or not. Children who are sick at school will be sent home to rest and recover.

If children have vomiting or diarrhea, they must stay home for 48 hrs after the last episode. Children with fever must stay home 24 hrs after fever breaks.

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