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Constitution 460
Roy H. Crosby P.S.
School Council Constitution
Last Revised November, 2014
Table of Contents:
Name and Address
Mission Statement
Article 2: Purpose and Objectives
Article 3: Membership
3.1: Number of Parent Members
3.2: Number of Community Representatives
3.3: Other Members
3.4: Roles and Responsibilities of all Council Members
Article 4: Elections
4.1: Election Timetable
4.2: Election Procedures for Parent Members
Article 5: Other Elections
5.1 Election Procedures for Executive Members
Article 6 Term of Office
Article 7 Vacancies
7.1 Resignations
7.2 Removal
Article 8: Executive
8.1: Officer Positions
8.2: Roles and Responsibilities
8.3: Guidelines for Executive
Article 11: Agendas and Minutes
11.1: Agendas
11.2: Minutes
Article 12: Meetings
12.1: Timetable of Meetings
12.2: Quorum
12.3: Decision-making
12.4: Conflict of Interest
12.5: Conflict Resolution
Article 13: Standing Committees
13.1: Establishment
13.2: Standing Committee Mandates
13.3: Standing Committee Membership
13.4: Chairs of Standing Committees
13.5: Other Committees
Article 15: Constitutional Amendments Bylaws
15.1: Constitution
Article 16: Financial Records
16.1: Signing Authorities
16.2: Disbursement and Allocation of Money
Article 22: Fundraising
Article 23 Consultation with Parents
Article 24 Annual Report
Name and Address
The organization will be known as Roy H. Crosby School Council. The members of the school council shall be responsible for maintaining the constitution.
Roy H. Crosby P.S.
115 Drakefield Road
Markham, Ont. L3P 1G9
(905) 294-2910
Mission Statement
Our school council believes that collaborative partnerships among the school, the family and the community are essential to improving student learning. Our aim is to achieve the highest possible standards of education in an inviting and wholesome environment.
Article 2: Purpose and Objectives
1. To support improved student achievement and develop an increased sense of shared accountability for public education.
2. Encourage effective parental involvement in the education of their children.
3. Provide a means for regular communication and dialogue between all partners in education.
4. Participate in the school improvement planning process.
5. Provide input into decisions made by the school administration and the board in accordance with Regulation 612/00..
6. Facilitate the building of a school community, which works together in the best interests of our students and their education.
7. Fundraise to enhance the school life of our students.
Article 3: Membership
3.1: Number of Parent Members
Membership will be defined at the beginning of the school year based on the outcome of the
school council election process.
3.2: Number of Community Representatives
The number of community representatives will be 1 if available.
3.3: Other Members
Other members such as teacher representative, support staff representative and principal shall
be elected/appointed in accordance with YRDSB Policy #262.
3.4: Roles and Responsibilities of all Council Members
(a) regularly attend and participate in council meetings
(b) maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
(c) help to achieve the goals established by the council
(d) encourage the participation of all parents and of other people within the school community
(e) additionally, council members are encouraged to participate in one or more of council’s standing committees (see article 8), and assist with tasks of the committee(s) and of Council as required
Article 4: Elections
4.1: Election Timetable
Elections must be held during the first 30 calendar days of each school year that is fixed by the chair or co-chairs of the school council after consulting with the principal of the school, as outlined in
YRDSB Procedure #262
4.2: Election Procedures for Parent Members
(a) Parent member elections shall be by acclamation
(b) Each parent/guardian seeking election must be nominated or self-nominated in writing, must
have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by the Board
(c) Application forms are requested at, or prior to, the first council meeting in September
(d) The outgoing members of the Executive shall form an election committee to administer the
membership process and count and record ballots
(e) The names and number of parent members forming the School council shall be determined
and communicated at the first council meeting in September
(f) Each parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote for each
vacant parent membership position on the council
(g) If a council member misses three (3) consecutive meetings, his/her name will be deleted from
the active list, unless they have made a request to the Chair that they remain active, and such
request is accepted as valid
(h) All parents are invited to attend council meetings and speak to issues, but voting is restricted to active council members
Article 5
: Election Procedures for Executive Members
(a) At the first meeting of council in September, following the election of parent members, the assembled council will entertain nominations for Executive positions
(b) Nominations will be made on a volunteer basis, and Executive appointments shall be by acclamation when the number of candidates is not more than one for each position
(c) Each parent/guardian seeking election for an Executive position must be nominated or self nominated in writing, must have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by the Board
(d) An employee of the Board cannot seek election as the Chair
(e) If more than one member seeks nomination for a particular Executive position, election procedures will be as follows:
1.1. each council member shall be entitled to one vote for each vacant Executive position on the council
1.2. The council shall form an election committee to execute the election process
1.3. The outgoing members of the Executive shall form the election committee, however, no
1.4. one standing for the election, or the spouse of anyone standing for election, shall be a
1.5. member of the election committee
1.6. Where at least two of the outgoing Executives cannot be available to form the election
1.7. committee, an ad hoc committee will be formed by a minimum of two council members
1.8. The election committee shall:
-conduct the elections by secret ballot
-count the ballots
-shall notify all individuals standing for election and all council members of the results
Article 6: Terms of Office
(a) Elected and appointed parent members of council may seek additional terms of office
(b) Elected and appointed Executive members may serve for a maximum of 3 consecutive terms of office in the same Executive position
Article 7: Vacancies
(a) A vacancy in the membership of the school council does not prevent the council from
exercising its authority
(b) Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as possible by informing the parent community of the vacancy/vacancies and accepting applications from
interested volunteers, if there are more applications than positions, an election will be called.
(c) A vacancy on the Executive does not prevent the council from exercising its' authority
(d) Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as
possible by offering the person with the next largest number of votes who was not elected, the
opportunity to accept the position.
(e) Where there are not enough candidates to fill the vacancies, notice will be sent to all
council members informing them of the vacancies and application by interested
volunteers will be sought.
(f) If there are more applications than positions, an election will be called.
(g) When no more candidates are available, council may appoint parent members.
7.1: Resignations
Any council member, except the principal, may resign his/her position by submitting a letter of
resignation to the chair.
7.2: Removal
Any current council member who misses 3 council meetings during the current term of the
council, may lose their voting privileges for the remainder of the current term, at the discretion of the council Executive.
Article 8: Executive
8.1: Officer Positions
The council executive will consist of a chair or co-chairs, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer.
8.2: Roles and Responsibilities
The chair of the school council shall:
- call council meetings (minimum 4 per year) in consultation with the principal
- communicate with parents about matters under consideration by the council
- prepare the agenda for council meetings in consultation with the principal
- ensure the agenda is distributed to council members, seven days prior to an upcoming meeting
- chair council meetings according to the agenda
- ensure the minutes of council meetings are communicated appropriately to council members
within seven days following each council meeting
- ensure the RHC school council constitution is readily available to the school community
- communicate with and provide advice to the school principal on behalf of the council
- participate in information sessions
- consult with senior Board staff and trustees, as required
- after consultation with the Executive, have the authority to approve expenditures up to $300,
between council meetings.
The vice-chair of the council (if one exists) shall:
- assist the chair of the council in carrying out his/her responsibilities
- act on behalf of the chair in the event of his/her absence
- perform duties of secretary and treasurer in their absence
The secretary of the council shall:
- record, maintain and distribute minutes of meetings within seven days following each meeting
- receive membership applications and establish the membership list for distribution
- keep council Executive and membership lists up to date
- determine who is eligible to vote at the outset of each meeting
- confirm that a quorum is present at a council meeting if, as and when voting is required
The Treasurer of the council shall:
- keep a proper record of all receipts and disbursements of Roy H. Crosby School council for the
current fiscal year
- prepare financial updates for each meeting
8.3: Guidelines for Executive
(a) The Executive group has the responsibility of facilitating the operation of the council, but
have no additional powers over and above the broader school council
(b) The responsibilities of the individual Executive representatives are as outlined above
(c) individuals holding these positions have the same decision making powers and responsibilities
as all other Members of council
(d) The Executive defers to the council as a whole for all decisions made on behalf of the
(e) An employee of the Board cannot be the Chair
Article 12: Meetings
12.1: Timetable of Meetings
A school council shall meet at least four times during the school year.
- A copy of these dates and times will be included in communication(s) to the families of the
A meeting of a school council cannot be held unless,
(a) a majority of the current members of the council are present at the meeting; and
(b) a majority of the members of the council who are present at the meeting are parent members.
Article 13: Standing Committees
13.1: Establishment
(a) must include at least one parent member of the council
(b) may include persons who are not members of the council
(c) The following standing committees will be formed to:
- conduct more detailed or in-depth work than is possible during council meetings
- make recommendations to the council
- set out timelines to achieve their established goals
- keep council informed of issues and developments in its committee at each council meeting
- execute planned activities
13.2 Standing Committee Mandates
The Communication Committee will facilitate the sharing of information about council plans and activities between the full council, the committees and the greater parent community. The
committee will create increased feedback mechanisms to collect input from the greater parent
community. Together, these will make possible a two-way relationship where council is able to
ensure that all activities reflect the greater community. These efforts will be done in harmony with the mission, vision and values of the school and council
In collaboration with students and staff of RHC, the Environment Committee will develop and
implement environmentally friendly initiatives, which will continue to foster environmental
awareness in our students and our community. This commitment will also involve efforts to keep the school grounds neat and clean by educating the students to respect their environment.
The School Council evaluates fundraising needs on a year-to-year basis. The Fundraising
Committee will develop a plan to meet the fundraising requirements. The Fundraising Committee Chair will present the plan to the council for consideration. Upon acceptance by the council, the committee will execute the plan as required. The Fundraising Committee will set up a reference binder outlining all fundraising ideas/success’s for future reference.
Healthy Living
This Committee will work with the parent community and the administration/board in identifying and solving health and safety issues affecting the students at Roy H Crosby Public School. The Committee will encourage the development of a network of parents with common health and safety concerns (e.g. Transportation, volunteers and visitors - in the school, children with anaphylaxis, etc) as a means of achieving a safer and healthier school community.
13.3: Standing Committee Membership
(a) Each sub-committee must contain at least one parent member of council
(b) All council members are encouraged to participate in one or more standing committee and
assist with tasks of the committee as required
(c) Persons, who are not members of council, may be members of sub-committees
(d) Meetings shall be governed by the same normative rules that govern the council with respect
to membership, attendance and voting
13.4: Chairs of Standing Committees
- Each sub-committee will nominate its own chair
- Approval of that nomination rests with the council
13.5: Other Committees
Additional committees may be formed as the need arises.
Article 14: Voting
The preferred method to resolve issues on council is by consensus. Consensus is a collective
opinion or general agreement by ALL the council members.
In the case where a decision cannot be reached through consensus, the chair may decide on one of the following:
(a) to have a vote by way of a show of hands or a silent vote by those present in which a 51%
majority shall carry the vote
(b) to defer the issue to the next meeting
(c) to defer the issue to a special meeting
(d) to defer the issue to a standing committee
14.1: Conflict of Interest
(a) If individual council members perceive themselves to be in conflict of interest, they are honour bound to declare their conflict at the earliest possible opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration
(b) Council members cannot receive any remuneration for their work as a member of Council
14.2: Conflict Resolution
(a) The Council will undertake to resolve all internal conflicts within its mandate in a timely manner
(b) The council will abide by any conflict resolution policy issued by the Board
Article 15: By-laws
A school council may make by-laws governing the conduct of its affairs.
Every school council shall make the following by-laws:
(a) A by-law that governs election procedures and the filling of vacancies in the membership of the school council
(b) A by-law that establishes rules respecting participation in school council proceedings in cases of conflict of interest
(c) A by-law that, in accordance with any applicable policies established by the board that established the council, establishes a conflict resolution process for internal school council disputes.
15.3: Constitution
(a) The school council will review the constitution every two years or as the need arises
(b) The Governance committee can perform the review and bring proposed amendments to the council for voting
(c) Amendments to the constitution must be presented to the council, at a regularly scheduled meeting
(d) Constitutional amendments need a 2/3 majority to be passed
Article 16: Minutes and Financial Records
16.1 A school council shall keep minutes of all of its meetings and records of all of its financial transactions.
The minutes and records shall be available at the school for examination without charge by any person.
16.3: Agendas
(a) Agenda items should be submitted to the chair one week prior to the council's next meeting
(b) The chair will set the agenda with the principal, prior to the meeting
(c) The agenda will be made available to members and posted prior to the council meeting
16.4: Minutes
(a) Minutes shall be posted in the school prior to the next meeting of the council
(b) Minutes shall be posted on the school website prior to the next council meeting
(c) Minutes shall be in reasonable detail to record key issues discussion, positions advanced, and
motions passed, and shall be provided within 7 days of meeting
(d) Executive members must inform the chair if they are going to be absent from a council meeting
16.2: Disbursement and Allocation of Money
All money must be collected by the end of the year. Funds should be dispersed or allocated to a
specific purpose by the end of the year.
Article 22: Fundraising
22.1 Subject to subsection (2), a school council may engage in fundraising activities.
22.2 A school council shall not engage in fundraising activities unless, the activities are conducted in accordance with any applicable policies established by the board; and the activities are to raise funds for a purpose approved by the board or authorized by any applicable polices established by the board.
A school council shall ensure that the funds raised by it are used in accordance with any applicable policies established by the board.
Article 23: Consultation with Parents
A school council shall consult with parents of pupils enrolled in the school about matters under consideration by the council.
Article 24: Annual Report
Every school council shall annually submit a written report on its activities to the principal of the school and to the board that established the council.
24.2 If the school council engages in fundraising activities, the annual report shall include a report on those activities.
24.3 The principal shall, on behalf of the school council, give a copy of the report to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the copy is given, is enrolled in the school.
24.4 Subsection (3) may be complied with by,
(a) giving the report to the parent’s child for delivery to his or her parent; and
(b) posting the report in the school in a location that is accessible to parents

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