Safe, Caring and Supportive Schools
Every student has a right to learn in a safe, caring and supportive environment. YRDSB promotes safe, caring and supportive school and work environments in order to optimize student and staff learning, safety and effectiveness. We focus on safety, responsible citizenship and civility as defined by the standards of behaviour for the province of Ontario in the Provincial Code of Conduct, and our Board's Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment Policy and Procedure. Safe, caring and supportive learning cultures are at the heart of all of our efforts to promote student achievement and well being, and in turn, student success.
Discipline of students begins at home with parents who are the first and primary educators for their children. This includes responsibility for social development, behaviour and discipline.
For most students, effective school discipline is ensured through student engagement in interesting and challenging programs that meet individual needs. Clear behavioural expectations support student engagement and are based on meaningful communication between students, parents or adult students and the school. In reinforcing appropriate behaviour, staff use a continuum of positive practices that strive to teach, promote and reinforce positive and productive behaviours while providing predictable and supportive consequences to behaviours that are identified as being inappropriate. It is the intent in all situations involving aggression to achieve fairness in consequences for the aggressor and support for the victim. Information will be shared with the victim and parents of the victim to the extent that legislation allows.
If you ever have questions or concerns about an issue involving your child at school please don’t hesitate to call their teacher and/or the Principal for more information at 905 939 7711 so that we may continue to work together towards the development of our students’ good character and appropriate social skills that build healthy relationships.