Summitview P.S. belongs to an era of Canadian history where the school functions as part of the community. Many families share stories of the generations who attended Summitview P.S. New families moving into the area become part of the family and events, adding to the ever-present living history. History is a living thing not just the past but a day to day active and vibrant life at the school.
The original building burned in 1916. It was rebuilt in 1918. Additions were built in 1925, 1938, 1945 and 1992.
Originally the building was named Stouffville Public and Continuation School (1918). At that time the building supported learning for the town's elementary and high school students, with the Superintendents taking office in the upper dormers. When Stouffville District Secondary School opened in 1954, the building was named Stouffville Public School (1954) followed by the renaming of Summitview P.S. in 1958.
Many teachers and parents remember the filming of "The Littlest Hobo" a T.V. programme at the school.
This historic building is situated on the Main Street in Stouffville. Most of our students walk, ride bikes or rollerblade to school.
Our school motto is BE The Best You CAN BE!
Our school song goes like this:
Sing a song for Summitview
How we love the green and white
Proving to the world that we’ll be true
Shout it out with all our might. Standing hand in hand, right to the end
Never will we let her down
The Honour of our school we will defend
Summitview’s the best in town.
Our school mascot is the stinger bee.
The current Summitview P.S. was officially re-opened in 1918.
Additions were built in 1925, 1938, 1945 and 1992. The building has four levels. Many of the staircases are rich with wooden railings reminiscent of lemon oil polishing. The stately rooms in the original buildings still have the large wooden doors. Structural changes honour the heritage of the past. The bell in the bell tower is rung on special occasions.
A "Before and After School" child-care centre, owned and operated by Sandi MacMillan, 605061 Ontario Ltd. is located at Summitview P.S.