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School Improvement Plan 321
School Improvement Plan
Vellore Woods P.S. is committed to supporting the Board's literacy focus under the three Board focus areas of Quality Schools, Building Family and Community Capacity and Quality Workplaces.
The following is an outline of our school's Plan for Continuous Improvement including highlights of some of the strategies to support student achievement.
Vellore Woods P.S. is committed to supporting the Board's literacy focus under the three Board focus areas of Quality Schools, Building Family and Community Capacity, and Quality Workplaces.
Our school focus for curriculum implementation and student learning is Literacy with specific emphasis on Reading. We want to help students become effective readers. Enhancing understanding, acquiring knowledge, and constructing meaning are the goals of our reading comprehension program.
Our school focus for effective schools is the development of a professional learning community. Our staff is committed to working together to ensure that all students achieve.
Our school focus for parental and community involvement is to build stronger partnerships with parents and community agencies to improve academic and social/emotional success for all our students.
Our Parent Reading evenings enable parents to come together and learn how to support their children's reading skills.
A Focus on Literacy - Our literary focus is the foundation for student learning at Vellore Woods P.S. We strive to provide students with the necessary skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing to effectively communicate in all subject areas.
Assessment and Evaluation - our staff is committed to ongoing professional development and learning in the area of assessment and evaluation practices. We continue to foster a culture of assessment in our school and use the results of assessment to plan instruction for the students. A Focus on Technology- Our school is committed to the use of computers and technology to enhance the learning experiences of our students.
A Focus on Sports - Our school is committed to providing students opportunities to develop and practice their athletic skills. A variety of team sports, including basketball, volleyball, soccer, cross-country running, and track and field, is offered each year.
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