Our school community is growing and we encourage students and families to walk to school. Through our commitment to walk to school Wednesdays, Wismer has helped to add a traffic light at the corner of Bur Oak and Mingay Avenues as well as a crossing guard at Edward Jeffries Blvd and Mingay Avenue. These will increase safety and support while your children walk to school.
For parents who do drive their children to school please be aware that our parking lot is closed from 8:30 - 9:00 am. We have created a "Kiss and Ride" drop-off in the loop at the front of the school. Cars move through the lane to the top of the loop and stop and let their child/children out. Staff are supervising and for our Kindergarten students, we provide an adult to walk them to their enclosure. All students enter the building at the back of the school (east side of the school).
Dismissal time is 3:20
At the end of the school day, the parking lot is open and we ask that cars park in the designated areas. Please do not leave your car in the drive through areas. We monitor this arrangement very carefully, and if it is determined that the parking lot is a safety concern for our departing students, we will close it to the public. Students leave the building on the east side of the building and staff are situated there to ensure safe dismissal. Kindergarten students are picked up in their enclosure area.