The Geography Department here at Woodbridge College offers a variety of programs that focuses on the importance of preparing students to become global active citizens.
As a department, we encourage students to be proactive and critical thinkers as we really provide an in-depth analysis on issues taking place within Canada and the World.
Social justice, equity, demographic change, sustainability, natural disasters and global travel are some of the topics discussed within our programs. If you would like detailed information regarding our courses and the programs we offer please see below for more detailed information.
Department Policies
- If you are absent for any reason (illness, school trip, sports etc…) you are responsible for catching up with all missed work. Pick up any handouts missed as soon as you return to school.
- If possible, arrange for someone to bring missed work home for you.
- If you are ill or anticipating an absence due to any activities or medical reasons on the day of a test you MUST bring a valid admit slip from the office to verify your legitimate absence upon your return to class.
- Make arrangements with your teacher to complete the evaluation at the earliest convenient time. If this is not done, a mark of ZERO will be assigned.
- If you do not complete a summative task or assignment by the required date, you must meet with the teacher to discuss reasons for the incomplete assignment.
- Late assignments will receive a deduction of 2% per day to a maximum of 10%. If the assignment is not submitted within a reasonable time limit (i.e. it has been returned to the rest of the class), the student must be prepared to receive a mark of ZERO.
- All Final Summatives must be handed in on the assigned due date. Failure to submit work will result in a mark of ZERO.