We are an advisory body to the school administration that can make recommendations to the principal and/or the Board. Recommendations related to global school/community issues are welcomed. School council is not the venue for any issues of a personal nature.
1. The majority of members of the Council shall be parents of students enrolled at Baythorn Public School in the year in which they are members. The total membership of the BPS Council shall be up to 23, consisting of both executive and members at large.
2. Parent Representatives
a. The number of parent representatives on the Council shall be determined by the school’s constitution committee
b. A parent representative shall not be employed by the Board at Baythorn Public School
c. Parent representatives may be employed by the Board at another location providing
the parent discloses such employment on declaring interest in joining the Council
d. Parent representatives who are employed to the Board may be voting members of
Council; they may hold officer positions, but they shall not hold the positions of Chair
or Co-Chair.
3. Teacher Representatives
a. There shall be ONE (1) teacher representative on Council
b. The teacher representative must be employed at Baythorn Public School
c. This position may be shared by more than one teacher on a rotating basis
4. Support Staff Representatives
a. There may be ONE (1) support staff representative on Council
b. The support staff representative must be employed at Baythorn Public School
c. This position may be shared by more than one support staff on a rotating basis
5. Community Representatives
a. Community representatives—not parents of students at the school, but interested community partners-- may apply for membership in writing to the Principal or be invited by the Principal
b. The number of community representatives on Council shall not exceed two
c. A community representative shall not be employed by the Board at Baythorn Public School
d. A community representative may be employed by the Board at another location providing the individual discloses such employment on declaring interest in joining the Council
6. Student Representative (non-voting)
a. The Principal may appoint up to TWO (2) student representatives at his/her
7. Principal of the school (non-voting)
8. Vice-Principal of the school (non-voting)