York Region Transit
Most Bur Oak Secondary School students who live beyond a walking distance arrive at the school using the public York Region public transit system. Students living east of the school in the Mount Joy, Greensborough, Upper Cornell, and Cornell areas can take the Route 18 bus that travels along Bur Oak Avenue from Markham Stoufville Hospital to Bur Oak Secondary School.
Using their Bur Oak student cards, students are eligible for student fares. Individual bus tickets and monthly passes can be purchased at local convenience stores and pharmacites.
Student Transportation Services
Student Transportation Services (STS) is a joint venture between the catholic and public school boards in York Region.
For information on bus routes, stop locations, times, late arrivals, cancellation, eligibility, registering a complaint, safety and general information, please visit the Student Transportation Services website or contact the York Region Student Transportation Services School Bus Information Line at 1-877-330-3001, accessible 24 hours a day.
Active and Safe Routes to School is a partnership between the catholic and public school boards in York Region and the Region of York.