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Principal's Message 136
Principal's Message

Welcome to Clearmeadow Public School!

Clearmeadow Public School is focused on developing and maintaining a safe, caring, and inclusive community. Our community includes not only our staff and students, but our families and community partners as well. Many of you have had an opportunity to meet our community partners through our Fall Community Engagement Nights and Family Presentations and Workshops. We welcome you to bring your knowledge, expertise and experience into Clearmeadow and thank families who have come in to speak with our students about their rich histories and culture. It is through these partnerships that our children are provided with meaningful opportunities to learn and make connections about the world around them. It is these experiences which also encourage them to be Global Citizens – understanding the wider world and how they can contribute as part of a larger community.

Since our opening in 2000 our school has proudly offered a vibrant, engaging and exciting learning environment for students and has become an integral part of our neighborhood and community.

Like all schools, we are growing and adapting to our rapidly changing world as we respond to the innovative and creative ideas that our students bring with them every day. The priority areas for staff learning across our school district include well-being and mental health, equity and inclusivity, collaborative relationships and ethical leaderships. Our staff members are committed professionals who establish safe, caring, welcoming classroom environments that engage and inspire children to develop to the best of their potential. At Clearmeadow we strive for both academic excellence and social responsibility. The changing world of today demands that our children become critical thinkers and collaborative problem solvers. They must learn to manage stressors and find effective strategies to support strong mental health.  They must understand bias, perspective and be critical consumers of information that is now found at their fingertips. Our students must be technologically savvy, and understand both the responsibilities and privileges that technology offers. Our children will be the ones who protect our environment and build workplaces that demonstrate respect for diversity, embrace equity and achieve truly inclusive environments.

Guided by our board's focus on Indigenous Education and Equity, Modern Learning, Mathematics and Mental Health, our school staff, students and families are working together in a collaborative learning community that recognizes and values all gifts, respects the rights of all and challenges each of us to do our best and be our best.

We value families as reciprocal learning partners with us. Families are a child’s first and most important teacher.  We are proud of the partnerships we have fostered with our Clearmeadow parent community and the many ways they contribute to the well-being of our students and school community.  Families participate formally, through our School Council and other school initiatives, and informally, by being caring and active supporters of their children's well-being and learning.

I look forward to continuing to connect with Clearmeadow students and families throughout the school year.


Michelle Eisen, Principal


dow P.S.

You Matter. You Count. You Belong.​

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