Our staff, supported by families and community partners, is committed to creating welcoming and caring learning environments in which students can thrive. We are excited to welcome students and staff back to school and are looking forward to a successful school year.
At Crossland PS, we are excited to offer the full-day kindergarten program and are thrilled that our kindergarten students will have the opportunity to be involved in many different activities designed to help young learners explore, discover and grow.
In addition to our regular programs, Crossland PS is fortunate to host two Special Education Community Classes. We value the diverse nature of all our students and continually work towards inclusive and integrated environments.
Crossland is known as a school of wonderful students who demonstrate respect and concern for others on a daily basis. Not only are we a caring community, but we are a school that continues to excel both in the classroom and on the playing field. Students at Crossland are able to participate in a wide variety of extra curricular activities ranging from chess and band to a number of team sports.
Much of our success as a school can be attributed to the character and commitment of our community. Crossland students are known for their sense of optimism, empathy and perseverance; this sets the tone for our entire community.
We look forward to the wonderful teaching and learning that will happen throughout the year and working together to provide positive learning experience for each child!
James Flynn