As with each school in the York Region District School Board, E.J. Sand P.S. supports student learning through the curriculum standards set out by the Ontario Ministry of Education and many other co-curricular activities. Our school is committed to achievement for all students while promoting a safe and supportive learning environment. We have a full spectrum of Special Education programs and a Before and After school program. The Service is provided by Le Club. We are also very proud to offer the following to our students:
- Majority of our teachers are trained in Tribes and Instructional Intelligences
- Student Council for Intermediate students
- Math Club
- French Club
- Guest speakers and workshops.
- Visiting Artists program
- VIP program for all grade 6s
- A wide variety of Co-curricular sports teams
Safe and Supportive Schools/Positive Climates for Learning/Equity Education Every student has the right to learn in a safe and supportive environment. The York Region District School Board has a Safe Schools Policy and a defined procedure to implement the policy. Both the policy and procedure support the view that student discipline involves a continuum of support including prevention, intervention and appropriate consequences. In addition, E.J. Sand P.S. supports the development of character education in the York Region District School Board. The following is an overview of the school’s Positive Climates for Learning initiatives:
- Our student leadership team works with staff and students to facilitate assemblies every two months. These assemblies celebrate contributions students make to creating a positive climate here at EJ Sands.
- We maintain a bulletin board which explicitly teaches what we have celebrated.
- We will have an EJ Sand “Touchstone” written by mid-November
- The Touchstone will provide the foundation on which we build our future goals, and is made from words and phrases of our staff, students and community.
- We give appreciations on our morning announcements to recognize students who are ‘living’ the character attributes