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Mr. El Aziz 436
Mr. El Aziz

- Important dates:

- Mon Sept 25th-PA Day No school for students

- Sept 26-29 Festival du Livre (French book fair)

- Sept 27- Curriculum Night 6:30-8:15     
- Sept 28- Terry Fox Walk

- Fri Sept 29th – picture day

- Scholastic:

 Scholastic for the month of October was sent home,Please take time to check with your child the variety of books. Orders can be submitted until Oct 1st.

-Terry fox:

Thank you for your generosity and support for the Terry fox run fundraising:)

- Newsletters:

 - September : Hard copy was sent with your child

- October:   Hard copy was sent with your child 
- November:    Hard copy was sent with your child
-Curriculum  Night  Agenda    
¢ Presentation       
¢ Schedule
¢ Curriculum
¢ Homework/Communication
¢ Teacher/ parent communication
¢ Welcome to the Grade 3 French Immersion Presentation. I will be your son or daughter’s homeroom teacher for the remainder of the school year. This school year, I will teach your children the following subject areas:
¢ Literacy
¢ Social Studies
¢ Health and DPA  
¢ Math
¢  Gym
¢ Music will be taught by Mrs. Strut
¢ Sciences  and Art will be taught by Mme Mastrangelo
 Term 1:      
 ¢  Diagnostic evaluation and First 20 days
¢  Reading strategies :
         Making  prediction, questioning and making connections
¢  Guided reading
¢    unit “ Reading process”
¢   Narrative text unit: reading legends , myth etc
¢  During narrative unit: Writing process will be taught . Guided , shared and independent writing of a narrative text
Term 2
        Reading strategies:
          Vizualizing, Analyzing, synthesizing , infering
¢  Guided reading
¢  Comprehension texts
¢  Literatures circles: Reading books and sharing with his group
¢  Informative texts unit
¢  Reseach project about Franco-Ontario.
¢  Social studies research
 ¢  Present his/her First nation/ settler  inquiry project
¢  Skits in social studies : play as a member of First Nations people/ Settlers
¢  Present his/her Research project on working and living in Ontario
¢  Literacy circle discussions
¢  Informative text presentation
 ¢  Listening to audio text and discussions
¢  Listening to presentation and discussion
 ¢  Discussions about various topics
Progress report cards
¢  Number Sense:. Place value, Addition, subtraction, Pattern in addition and subtraction.
¢   Geometry:  Shapes
¢  Patterning : create a repeating pattern, describe number patterns involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, extend repeating, shrinking, and growing number patterns.
  Term 1:
¢  Number Sense: Multiplication , division, Patterns
¢   Measurement: time, Temperature, Mass, Capacity
¢  Data Management: Classifying, conduct survey, oragnize data using charts,tables…, Draw conclusion from data, read primary data presented in charts, tables, and graphs.
Term 2:
¢  Number sense: Fraction, money
¢  Measurement: Lengh, perimeter, area
¢  Geo : Angles( right angles, compare angles, describe movement from one location to another using grid map, identify flips, slides, and turns.
 ¢  Probability: predict the frequency of the outcome.
SOCIAL STUDIES              
Term 1:
        Heritage and identity: Communities in Canada, 1780-1850
¢  Identify various First Nations and Metis in upper and lower Canada. 
¢   Identify settler communities in Canada during this period.
¢  Aspects of life: First Nations, Metis and settler communities.
¢   Similarities and differences in various aspect of everyday life of groups living in Canada between 1780-1850 :  First nations and settlers
¢  Roles and challenges
¢  Their impact on Canadian  identity
¢  Factors that helped shape the development of settlements in Canada
 Term 2
Living and working in Ontario
 ¢  describe some major connections between features of the natural environment of a region and the type of land use and/or the type of community that is established in that region
¢  describe some major connections between features of the natural environment and the type of employment that is available in a region, with reference to two or more municipal regions in Ontario
¢  identify and describe some of the main patterns in population distribution and land use in two or more municipal regions in Ontario, using mapping and globe skills
¢  short- and long-term effects on the environment of different types of land use in municipal regions of Ontario
¢  demonstrate an understanding that Ontario is divided into different municipal or regional entities
¢  identify and describe the main types of employment that are available in two or more municipal regions in Ontario
describe major types of land use and how they address human needs
Health& Gym
Term 1
   - Healthy living:
    Oral health and the effect of different food choices on oral health
Food origins, nutritional value and environmental impact.
Local and cultural foods, eating choices
    -Personal safety  
     Good safety practices, real and fictional violences.
Gym:  dodge ball, basket-ball, Volley- ball, Floor hockey…
Term 2
Substance use & abuse
        Impact of use of legal/illegal substances , Decision making – substance use / behaviours
    - Growth and development
      Healthy relationships , Physical and emotional development, Visible, invisible differences, respect
Gym:  Floor Hockey, Dance, Skipping, Soccer,badminton, Soccer Baseball, Fitness circuit.
¢  Students should expect to have approximately 30 minutes of homework per night. However, some students have more homework than others depending on the completion of their daily assignments.
¢  Homework will be written on the board and in my website.
¢  Reading French in daily basis even when no homework is assigned.
¢  Students are expected to complete all homework assignments.
¢  Please monitor your child use of his/her agenda. Your signature is encouraged in the agenda.
¢  if any part of the homework was not understood, it is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher.
¢  Dates of tests to be given are posted on the board one week before.
¢  Please encourage your child to read a French book on daily basis(15-20 minutes ) to improve his/her literacy skills. Reading book was sent home. Will be checked by the teacher each Monday.
Teacher/Parent communication
 ¢  On-going communication will occur via the student agenda, sending a note or calling., newsletters, my website…
¢   Please fell free to contact me if you have any concerns 905-294-3562 ext. 211 or email at
-Homework Section:
Sept 18, 2017
Devoir de Math: Feuille d'activite de la lecon 3 unite 2/ Worksheet lesson 3 unit 2
Sept 19,2017
Math Exercices 1 to 4 page 69
Sept 22,2017
Your child start writng a journal about the learning happening in the class. please take time to read (or have your child translate to you) what he/she wrote. Please write always a positive feedback to your child. Remember, we want your child to improve in his /her writing during this year:)
Sept 29.2017
We already started using technology( Google drive). You child was given a password and username. A demonstration how to log in using google drive was presented in the class using the smart Camera. Your child should be able to log in at home.
children was given the task to type their narrative text using google drive. They start already writing their story in groups. Can't wait to read their stories!!
Sept 28:
- Quiz will be tomorrow on L1,2,3,4 "les regularites dans l'addition et la soustraction"
letter was sent to you three days ago with explanation of lessons
- Tomorrow is a "Picture day"
Oct 2nd:
Write three sentences using linking words
reading 15 min
Oct 3rd :
- Math :
Lesson 7 unit 2: Worksheet" Additionner a l'aide de calcul mental"
 Oct Newsletter was sent with your child
 -- in Literacy, We are learning:
 We are reading tales and other genres in the class during our narrative. We are focusing on reading strategies such as making predictions and making connections to the text, to self and to the world. During reading, we are using Drama strategies to consolidate our understanding of what we read. Once the text is understood, the students have been working in groups to create a story map.
 Reading groups will begin this month. The students will work with the teacher in small groupings to strengthen their reading and comprehension skills with leveled books, fiction and non-fiction texts, appropriate for their reading level.
 In Writing, we are working on the writing process. We work through all the writing stages and are currently focusing on the planning stage. Another focus is the use of connecting words, adding details, and writing complex sentence.
Number Sense:
We are focusing on strategies to solving addition and subtraction problems (one-digit numbers . two-digit numbers , three-digit numbers) Students are  working in groups to cooperatively solve given problems using chart papers. They present their strategies to the rest of the class.
Your child was given a pin number to login to the website where he/she can practice his/her numeracy skills. A report of your child’s progress is sent to the teacher’s email on regular basis.
Social studies:
Students are learning to:
- Identify various First Nations and Metis in upper and lower Canada. 
 - Identify settler communities in Canada during this period.
-  The Aspects of life of First Nations, Metis and settler communities: students are learning about their food, clothes, transportation, tools, their houses.
Gym and Health:
- In our Basket ball unit, the students are learning the rules of the game, developing the ability to use their hands, feet and the rest of their body to play in the game. Students also need to be prepared for gym class by bringing comfortable active wear that they can change into during gym periods.
-  Students are learning about oral health and the effect of different food choices on oral health \
Nov 3rd
- Social studies project" Construct and present a First Nation Village is due on Nov 10th.
- Student started their independent writing of narrative text. Remind your chid to read carefully the booklet he/she received and to follow all steps of the writing process without rushing to write his/her text. time is provided for each stage!
NB: The independent writing has to be done in the class, not at home! 
Nov 10th:
Write number from 1-30 in letters
Nov 13th:
-Finish  Math exercises 1-4 page 25-26
- Worksheet " Les nombres ordinaux"


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