As the administrators of your school, we look forward to getting to know you and learn about the community’s work to support student achievement and well-being. Creating a positive, inclusive and supportive relationship with our students, families, staff and within the community is at the forefront of our work together.
We strive to foster a learning environment where people of all ages work and grow together, experience the joy of learning and developing skills, attitudes and knowledge needed to be life long learners and respectful, contributing members of society. The learning and safety of each student at our school is important to us. Teachers, Educational Assistants, Administration, School Council, Office Staff, Custodians and Parents/Guardians work together to foster a positive, respectful and inclusive learning environment where all students have opportunities to be successful.
At Greensborough P.S. we value parental involvement. We value the partnership in education for your child, and as such, we encourage regular communication between you, your child’s teacher, and the administration. Strong home-school communication is another way parents can ensure success for their children. Reading weekly school bulletins from the principal, checking the school website, reading classroom newsletters and staying connected to what your children are doing in class, are very important things a family can do to foster a good relationship with the school. Our staff are always willing to listen to your concerns and answer your questions.
We look forward to working with you as partners in education at Greensborough P.S.
Kind Regards,
Laura Ryckman Bonny Skinner
Principal Vice-Principal