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Welcome to Our Learning Commons 322
Welcome to Our Learning Commons

Bernard Library.jpgHGPS Learning Commons
Our library is a dynamic, multi-function learning space that serves our school community. It is home to our school computer lab, English-Language Learning, reading recovery, and of course, our library program and resources. Our goals for the learning commons include: supporting a love of reading, inspiring life-long learning, and building independent inquiry and research skills. It is a busy space where we collaborate, celebrate, congregate and learn. 

Library Hours & Signout
The library is open everyday. Students have opportunities to visit the library individually, in small groups and as a whole class, whenever they need new reading materials. There are staff and volunteers at the circulation desk to support students when signing out their books.

Books are signed out for two weeks at a time. Students are welcome to renew their books; we encourage them to renew before the due date. We won’t charge you a fine but please return all books on time.

We encourage students to take very good care of our books. But in the event that the item is lost or badly damaged, we ask for the following replacement costs: $9.00 for soft cover books and $17.00 for hardcover books. We would much rather have the books so please take care of and return our books.



Teacher Librarian: Mrs. Maxwell

905-508-7009 ext. 181

Alternative formats of text can be made available upon request.

 Virtual Library

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Encyclopedia Britannica
Junior Edition - K12
Kids InfoBits
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