Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service on the York Region District School Board's website is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The York Region District School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Board encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The York Region District School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
Page Content Dramatic Arts Grade 9, Open Credit (ADA1O) This course emphasizes the active exploration of dramatic forms and techniques, using material from a wide range of authors, genres, and cultures. Students will construct, discuss, perform, and analyze drama, and then reflect on the experiences to develop an understanding of themselves, the art form, and the world around them. Prerequisite: None
Dramatic Arts Grade 10, Open Credit (ADA2O) This course requires students to actively explore dramatic forms and techniques, using their own ideas and concerns as well as sources selected from a wide range of authors, genres, and cultures. Student learning will include identifying and using the principles of space, time, voice, and movement in creating, sustaining, and communicating authentic roles within a drama. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made in the creation and presentation of the drama, and will analyze and reflect on the experience. Prerequisite: None
Production Course Grade 11, (ADA3M) This course requires students to create and to present dramatic works. Students will do research on and study types of contemporary theatre as docudrama and forum theatre. They will interpret and present works in a variety of dramatic forms; create and script original works; analyse and reflect on dramatic works; and develop their communication skills and other skills useful in a variety of careers. Prerequisite: ADA1O or ADA2O
Production Course Grade 12, (ADA4M)
NOTE: Grade 12 Drama is a university level course and can be used towards your university/college applications This course requires students to to create and present a variety of dramatic works. Students will present works by Canadian and other playwrights, and develop original material based on personal narratives, local community issues, or global concerns. They will have hands-on experiences with various aspects of dramatic arts productions, including performance, set design, lighting, costumes, stage and technical management, and marketing. Students will also explore possible careers related to dramatic arts. Prerequisite: ADA3M