Grade 11
AMI 3M1 (Instrumental Music - Band)
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of music, including baroque and classical music, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will perform technical exercises and appropriate repertoire, complete detailed creative activities, and analyze and evaluate live and recorded performances. They will continue to increase their understanding of the elements of music while developing their technical and imaginative abilities.
AMR 3M1 (Repertoire - Extra-Credit, After School)
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of various kinds of music, including baroque and classical music, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will perform technical exercises and appropriate repertoire, complete detailed creative activities, and analyze and evaluate live and recorded performances. They will continue to increase their understanding of the elements of music while developing their technical and imaginative abilities.
If students have not taken AMI2O1, it is strongly recommended that they speak with the music teacher regarding missing requisite skills and knowledge. AMI3M1 is highly recommended as a co-requisite as many of the components of the course make AMR3M1 more accessible to the student. At Hodan Nalayeh S.S., this is an after-school program.
Grade 12
AMI 4M1 (Instrumental Music - Band)
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic period and the twentieth century, including art music, jazz, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative projects.
AMR 4M1 (Repertoire - Extra-Credit, After School)
This course emphasizes the appreciation, analysis, and performance of music from the romantic period and from the twentieth century, including art music, jazz, popular music, and Canadian and non-Western music. Students will concentrate on developing interpretive skills and the ability to work independently. They will also complete complex creative projects.
AMI4M1 is highly recommended as a co-requisite as many of the components of the course make AMR4M1 more accessible to the student. At Hodan Nalayeh S.S., this is an after-school program.