Our library has a collection of resources to help all students with studies in all subject areas. Networked computers allow students access to electronic resources for research and for presentation purposes.
During the school day, classes visit the library for resource-based learning experiences created and facilitated by both classroom teachers and the teacher-librarian. As well as assisting students to develop research skills that they will need for academic advancement, our library programme actively fosters literacy and the joy of reading.
Students are reminded to leave valuables at home or locked in a locker rather than being left outside the library. The school is not responsible for items left outside the library.
How the Library/Learning Commons supports student learning:
Large selection of fiction/non-fiction books and magazines
Research lessons for all stages of research/inquiry process
Help develop inquiry questions
Assist with research projects
24/7 access to a variety of academic databases
Quiet study carrels
Group study/table space
Reading chairs
iPads (to be used in the library only)
Black and white and colour printers
Coin-operated photocopier
Supplies to complete projects (i.e. scissors, glue, tape, hole punch, stapler)
Makerspace (a DIY space to gather, create, invent and learn independently)
Green screen