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English as a Second Language Department 206
English as a Second Language Department


THE GOALS OF THE ESL PROGRAM:   The ESL program is based on the belief that broad proficiency in English is essential to students’ success in both their social and academic lives, and to their ability to take their place in society as responsible and productive citizens. Its aim is to help students become successful English language learners who can: use English to communicate effectively in a variety of social settings; use English to achieve academically in all subject areas; take charge of their own learning, independently and in groups; select and use effective learning strategies; integrate confidently into mainstream courses; use English effectively to advocate for themselves in all areas of their lives; make a successful transition to their chosen postsecondary destination (work, apprenticeship, college, university); function effectively in a society increasingly committed to the use of information technology; use critical-literacy and critical-thinking skills to interpret the world around them; participate fully in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of their communities and of Canada. This culminating vision of successful English language learners identifies the language skills and capabilities required for success in Ontario’s education system and for full participation in Canadian society. Thus, an effective curriculum for English language learners integrates academic language and literacy skills with subject-matter concepts and critical-thinking skills from the very beginning levels of instruction, so that students can gain as much momentum as possible as they progress to full participation in mainstream classes in the various subjects.​





See the Ontario Secondary ESL Curriculum here:  


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