The focus of the Guidance and Career Education program at King City Secondary School is to help each student successfully navigate through high school, make decisions along the way and realize their full potential, by setting goals that assist in reaching their post-secondary destination including direct entry into the world of work, apprenticeship, college or university. The overall program is delivered through various means including classroom instruction, seminars, field trips, guest speakers and individual academic and career counselling. Guidance counsellors also provide students with short-term personal counselling and referrals to community agencies, help with problem-solving skills to deal with personal or school-related issues, assistance with course selection, and information on how to acquire the required 40 hours of community involvement activities. Guidance counsellors are assigned by alphabet.
We encourage all students to join our Google Classroom. The 2024/2025 code is gd3nbjv.
Guidance Department Contacts: