Mandatory Courses for Grade 9
(Instruction in French):
- French Language (FIF1DF)
- Geography (CGC1DF)
Optional Courses for Grade 9
(Instruction in French):
Mandatory Courses for Grade 10
(Instruction in French):
- French Language (FIF2DF)
- History (CHC2DF)
- Civics and Careers
Optional Courses for
Grade 10 (Instruction in French):
Mandatory Courses for Grade 11
(Instruction in French):
Optional Courses for
Grade 11 (Instruction in French):
- Travel and Tourism
Mandatory Courses for
Grade 12 (Instruction in French):
- French Language (FIF4UF)
Optional Courses for Grade 12 (Instruction in French):
- Canadian and World Issues (CGW4UF)
Course Descriptions
Français - Immersion
This course enables
students to enhance their knowledge of the French language and to further
develop their language skills through the study of twentieth-century North
American francophone literature and culture. Students will participate in oral
communication, reading, and writing activities as they study an authentic novel
and select authentic poems, legends, songs, films, and newspaper articles from
French-speaking parts of North America.
Prerequisite: Minimum of 3800 hours of instruction in French, or equivalent.
Academic GRADE: 9
Principes de
géographie du Canada - Immersion CGC1DF
This course explores
Canada’s distinct and changing character and the geographic systems and
relationships that shape it. Students will investigate the interactions of
natural and human systems within Canada, as well as Canada’s economic,
cultural, and environmental connections to other countries . Students will use
a variety of geotechnologies and inquiry and communication methods to analyze
and evaluate geographic issues and present their findings.
Academic GRADE: 9
Exploring Family Studies - HIF1OF
This course explores,
within the context of families, some of the fundamental challenges people face:
how to meet basic needs, how to relate to others, how to manage resources, and
how to become responsible members of society. Students will explore adolescent
development and will have opportunities to develop interpersonal,
decision-making, and practical skills related to daily life. They will learn
about the diverse ways in which families function in Canada and will use
research skills as they explore topics related to individual and family needs
and resources.
Prerequisite: None
Français - Immersion FIF2DF
This course provides students with
extensive opportunities to communicate, interact, and think critically and
creatively in French. Students will use a variety of language learning
strategies in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and will respond to
and interact with print, oral, visual, and electronic texts. Students will
develop their knowledge of the French language through the study of
contemporary French literature and historically well-known French European
literature. They will also increase their understanding and appreciation of
diverse French-speaking communities, and will develop skills necessary for
lifelong language learning.
French Immersion, Grade 9, Academic or Applied
1 TYPE: Academic GRADE: 10
Histoire du Canada au
XXe siècle - Immersion CHC2DF
This course explores
the local, national, and global forces that have shaped Canada's national
identity from World War I to the present. Students will investigate the
challenges presented by economic, social, and technological changes and explore
the contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian culture and society
during this period. Students will use critical-thinking and communication
skills to evaluate various interpretations of the issues and events of the
period and to present their own points of view.
Prerequisite: None
Academic GRADE: 10
CHC2D1 - Canadian History since World War I is a similar course and you will
not receive credit for taking both.
Education à la
citoyenneté (0.5 Credit) - Immersion CHV2OF
This course explores
what it means to be an informed, participating citizen in a democratic society.
Students will learn about the elements of democracy in local, national, and
global contexts, about political reactions to social change, and about political
decision-making processes in Canada. They will explore their own and others'
ideas about civics questions and learn how to think critically about public
issues and react responsibly to them.
Open GRADE: 10
Exploration des choix
de carrière (0.5 Credit) - Immersion GLC2OF
This course teaches
students how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, work,
and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills, and
characteristics and investigate current economic and workplace trends, work
opportunities, and ways to search for work. The course explores postsecondary
learning and career options, prepares students for managing work and life
transitions, and helps students focus on their goals through the development of
a career plan.
Open GRADE: 10
Initiation aux
affaires BBI2OF
This course
introduces students to the world of business. Students will develop an
understanding of the functions of business, including accounting, marketing,
information and communication technology, human resources, and production, and
of the importance of ethics and social responsibility.This course builds a
foundation for further studies in business and helps students develop the
business knowledge and skills they will need in their everyday lives.
Français - Immersion FIF3UF
This course provides opportunities for
students to consolidate the communication skills required to speak and interact
with increasing confidence and accuracy in French in a variety of academic and
social contexts. Students will use their skills in listening, speaking,
reading, and writing and apply language-learning strategies while exploring a
variety of concrete and abstract topics. Students will increase their knowledge
of the French language through the study of French literature from around the
world. They will also deepen their understanding and appreciation of diverse
French-speaking communities, and will develop skills necessary for lifelong
language learning.
French Immersion, Grade 10, Academic
1 TYPE: University GRADE: 11
Voyage et Tourisme - CGG3OF
This course focuses on issues related
to travel and tourism within and between various regions of the world. Students
will investigate unique environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political
characteristics of selected world regions. They will explore travel patterns
and trends, as well as tensions related to tourism, and will predict future
tourism destinations. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking
and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to
investigate the impact of the travel industry on natural environments and human
Principes de géographie du Canada - Immersion CGC1DF
1 TYPE: Open GRADE: 11
Français - Immersion FIF4UF
This course provides students with
extensive opportunities to communicate, interact, and think critically and
creatively in French. Students will consolidate their listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills and apply language learning strategies while
communicating about concrete and abstract topics, and will independently
respond to and interact with a variety of oral and written texts. Students will
study a selection of French literature from the Middle Ages to the present.
They will also enrich their understanding and appreciation of diverse
French-speaking communities, and will develop skills necessary for lifelong
language learning.
Prerequisite: French Immersion, Grade
11, University Preparation
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University GRADE: 12
Canadian and World Issues - CGW4UF
In this course, students
will address the challenge of creating a more sustainable and equitable world.
They will explore issues involving a wide range of topics, including economic
disparities, threats to the environment, globalization, human rights, and
quality of life, and analyse government policies, international agreements, and
individual responsibilities relating to them. Students will apply the concepts
of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including the use of
spatial technologies, to investigate these complex issues and their impacts on
natural and human communities around the world.
Prerequisite: French Immersion, Grade 11, University Preparation
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University GRADE: 12