Workplace , Apprenticeship, College and University pathways ,all require an understanding of mathematics. At KCSS we strive to create an environment where all students can learn and apply the math skills they need in order to be successful in their future lives.
The Workplace courses are focused on the mathematics needed for your daily life; whether you are budgeting , planning a vacation or making a major purchase (such as a car or house). Mathematical knowledge of these courses provides students with meaningful skills.
The College and Apprenticeship pathway will prepare the student for the Math required in post secondary programs offered by college and trade/apprenticeship destinations. These math courses are highly technical, incorporating computers regularly and allowing for collaboration and creation of many designs and products.
The courses in the University stream ( in all subjects ) are intended to prepare students for post-secondary education. For math specifically, this applies to statistics and the introductory calculus courses which are necessary in the sociology and physical sciences at university.