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Technology Department 206
Technology Department

 Technology Course Selection Video

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The power, reach, and rapid evolution of technology demand a curriculum that will enable students to become technologically literate – that is, able to understand, work with, and benefit from a range of technologies. Students need to acquire the technological skills and knowledge that will allow them to participate fully in a competitive global economy and to become responsible citizens in an environmentally vulnerable world. To succeed today, students need to be effective analytical and critical thinkers, able to understand, question, and respond to the implications of technological innovation.


Students who pursue careers in technology will also need these high-level skills to develop solutions to technological challenges or to provide the services required in their chosen fields. King City Secondary School offers technological courses in Exploring Technologies, Construction, Communications, Transportation (SHSM) and Technological Design. These courses cover a broad range of topics intergrading English, Mathematics, Business and Science. Tech is King!​


Mr. G. Quadrini ext 466   ​Department Head
Mr. D. Mazza    ext 470

Mr. M. Bernofsky   ext 461

Ms. D.Cole  ext 434



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