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Career Studies GLC2O 313
Career Studies GLC2O


GLC2O - Career Studies Course Outline


Course Description

This course gives students the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, and habits that will support them in their education and career/life planning. Students will learn about global work trends, and seek opportunities within the school and community to expand and strengthen their transferable skills and their ability to adapt to the changing world of work.  On the basis of exploration, reflective practice, and decision-making processes, students will make connections between their skills, interests, and values and their postsecondary options, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace. They will set goals and create a plan for their first postsecondary year. As part of their preparation for the future, they will learn about personal financial management – including the variety of saving and borrowing tools available to them and how to use them to their advantage – and develop a budget for their first year after secondary school.


Credit Value

In successfully completing this course, the student will earn a .5 credit toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.  The Career Studies course, GLC2O, is a compulsory graduation requirement.


Course Outline

Strand A: Developing the Skills, Strategies, and Habits Needed to Succeed

        Realizing the importance of resilience and perseverance required for success in school, life, and work

        Managing stress and achieving and maintaining a healthy school/life/work balance

        Applying various decision-making strategies to set, and revise, personal, social, educational, and career/life goals


Strand B. Exploring and Preparing for the World of Work

        Exploring work trends and the importance of transferable skills

        Preparing for future opportunities

        Identifying possible destinations and pathways


Strand C. Planning and Financial Management to Help Meet Postsecondary Goals

        Creating a postsecondary plan that best suits specific interests, values, strengths, and aspirations that address potential opportunities and challenges

        Creating an understanding of responsible management of financial resources, and of services available to support financial literacy

        Preparing a personal budget that can be applied for the first postsecondary year​


Assessment & Evaluation

The Career Studies course is designed to guide students through an inquiry process that they will use to develop their personal career and life plans.  Their progress will be assessed based on the four categories of achievement as outlined in the Career Studies, Guidance and Career Education Curriculum Document.

The following is how the final grade will be determined:



Thinking & Inquiry……………………………………………………......17.5%




The final grade for this course will be determined as follows:

        Assessment and evaluation activities conducted throughout the course (70%)

        Final culminating activity – Careers Studies Portfolio (30%)


Learning Skills

Learning skills include independent work, teamwork, organization, work habits, homework and initiative.  They will be assessed separately.

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