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SHSM Specialist High Skills Major 313
SHSM Specialist High Skills Major

What is a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)?
SHSM is a Ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and assists in their transition from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace. The program enables students to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in the context of engaging, career-related learning environments and helps them focus on graduation and pursuing their postsecondary goals.
What SHSM programs are being offered at Maple High School?
Maple HS is currently offering SHSM programs in the following sectors:
  • Arts and Culture
  • Business
  • Health and Wellness
What does the SHSM program consist of?
Students who register for SHSM will complete several requirements during Grade 11 and Grade 12 in order to receive their SHSM designation:
  • Bundle of Courses - several required courses, along with four "Major" courses must be completed, in addition to two credits of Co-operative Education in a related placement - see the Pathways Flyers below for the list of courses available to complete this bundle:
  • Trainings and Certifications - all SHSM students have the opportunity to complete Standard First Aid & CPR-C training, in addition to sector specific trainings and certifications - see the Pathways Flyers at the above links for a more detailed list of the certification opportunities.
  • Reach Ahead and Experiential Learning opportunities – all SHSM students will have the opportunity to research postsecondary programs and career directions through such things as field trips, university and college visits, guest speakers and industry tours, to name just a few.
How does SHSM benefit our students?
Customized learning keeps students more engaged
  • They gain confidence in their ability to succeed while developing specialized knowledge & skills
  • They see the connections between their studies, the world beyond high school, and their future careers.
  • They begin to establish relationships and networks in their chosen field.
  • The sector-recognized certifications and training programs can be shown to prospective employers and postsecondary educational or training institutions.
When should students enrol in the SHSM program?
Students can register any time during their Grade 10 year, and should ensure that they have completed their registration by the time they begin Grade 11.
How do students enrol in the SHSM program?
  1. Complete the online application at
  2. Print off the application and hand it into the SHSM box in the Guidance Office.
  3. Select the necessary courses for the program during course selection.  
How do I find out more information?
or contact Sabrina Liu, Regional SHSM Teacher at ​​​​​
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