Why do we need to document our sources?
1. Documenting sources is a common component of all academic writing.
2. Following a format like MLA, provides a kind of common language.
3. Using MLA will help you better understand other types of academic documentation styles. (Business, Scientific, Legal, etc.)
4. Documentation ensures academic integrity.
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is committing “literary theft”. Plagiarism is presenting another person’s words, ideas, information, expressions, or entire work as one’s own. Even if you put someone else's idea into your own words, you still need to site it! (6)
Why does it matter if I plagiarize?
It is dishonest to present someone else’s work as your own. There are academic consequences such as receiving a zero on an assignment if you plagerize.
What does plagiarism look like?
Plagiarism can take on many forms. It can be everything from buying an essay to copying another student’s work to puting someones idea in your essay (even if you put it in your own words) but forgetting to cite it.
How can you avoid plagiarizing?
Document your sources using in-text citations and a works cited list / bibliography.
MLA Essay Format Overview Example
In-Text Citation Explained
In-Text Citation Quick Guide
MLA Citation Guide
MLA Work Cited Example
MLA Works Cited Page Overview
Quick Overview Reference Sheets
MLA In-Text Citation Overview by Carrol Community College Library
Helpful Resources from the MLA Style Center
The MLA Style Center
MLA Container Template
Other Helpful Resources
MLA Review Sheet
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MLA What Happens if…
What if... (Breakout Activity)
Citation Games
MLA Master Blast
MLA Citation Game
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