Welcome to MCI Drama!
Connect with MCI Drama:
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/mcidrama
Twitter: @MCIDrama
Creativity. Self-confidence. Problem-solving skills. Literacy. Teamwork. Leadership.
These are just some of the skills that students have said they built and improved while taking Drama at Middlefield Collegiate Institute. We are a experiential learning department - our students learn by being up on their feet, working together to complete a common goal, and learn how to be supportive of each other’s work, and proud of their own.
MCI Drama offers students a safe, supportive and creative place to challenge themselves. The skills they gain carry far beyond the walls of our Studio - they can use these skills to build resumes, apply for post-secondary education, and in their daily interactions out there in the “real world.”
Drama is a rigorous subject - we cover not only dramatic and theatrical skills, but also leadership and academic skills. We cover a vast range of topics, such as World and Canadian History, Social Justice, Multiculturalism and Diversity, and we encourage students to bring their own experiences and interests to class.
Most importantly, it’s fun! Students are self-motivated to achieve because they are enjoying what they do, and they know that their work has a direct influence on their peers as well as themselves.
Beyond the classroom, the MCI Drama Guild is an active and outgoing group of students who love Drama in all its forms. We have multiple opportunities for students to get involved as Performers, Directors, Stage Managers, Writers, Producers, Designers, Technicians, and any other jobs they want to explore.
There is space for everyone at MCI Drama.