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Health & Physical Education Department 112
Health & Physical Education Department
The Health and Physical Education curriculum has been designed to provide learning experiences that will help students realize their potential in life. Students will develop:
  • an understanding of the importance of physical fitness, health, and well-being and the factors that contribute to them;
  • a personal commitment to daily vigorous physical activity and positive health behaviours;
  • the skills and knowledge they require to participate in physical activities throughout their lives.
Healthy active living benefits both individuals and society in many ways: for example, by increasing productivity, improving morale, decreasing absenteeism, reducing health-care costs, and heightening personal satisfaction. Other benefits include improved psychological well-being, physical capacity, self-esteem, and the ability to cope with stress. At Sir William Mulock Secondary we use a practical balanced approach to promote healthy active living through the development of physical, social, and personal skills.
Expectations such as participation in physical activities for sustained time periods, knowledge of guidelines for safe participation in physical activities, and informed decision making related to healthy sexuality are central to our curriculum. The health and physical education curriculum provides students with learning opportunities that will help them make positive decisions about all aspects of their health and encourage them to lead healthy, active lives.
The secondary curriculum builds on the three strands from the elementary curriculum -- healthy living, fundamental movement skills, and active participation -- while grouping living skills in a separate fourth strand that explicitly addresses many of the singular needs and challenges confronting adolescents as they move towards adulthood.  In the transition from elementary to secondary school, the expectations and learning experiences in each strand change to meet the evolving needs of students. For example, the physical activity strand refines and advances the movement patterns introduced in the elementary curriculum under fundamental movement skills, while the active living strand, which replaces the elementary curriculum's active participation strand, increases the emphasis on the promotion of lifelong participation in physical activities and greater responsibility for personal learning, behaviour, fitness, and health.
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