Updated Aug 30, 2024
Timetable Change Requests
There is very limited availability for course changes. Valid course change requests include:
Incomplete timetable or error (an incomplete timetable will have a code NOCOURSE in place of a missing course)
Missing a prerequisite or having a course that has already been completed on your timetable
Missing a graduation requirement
Course type change (ie. academic/applied/college/university)
Course change requests will be dependent upon space and program availability.
We are not able to make course changes based on teacher / period / room preference.
Timetable change request forms are completed on-line. There is no need to print a hard copy and return it to guidance. Students are limited to 1 timetable change request submission. All requests must be submitted by 4:00pm on Friday September 6th.
A listing of courses offered in each period for each grade can be found at:
Step 1: Look at the list of Course Offerings to see what courses run in each period SD-CourseOfferings.pdf
Step 2: Log into your GAPPS account
Step 3: Complete the form at https://bit.ly/SWMSSttrequests20242025
Step 4: Check your GAPPS email for the timetable change PDF to ensure that we received your request
Step 4: Follow your current timetable until you have been notified of a change
Guidance will be contacting students in class, by phone, or through GAPPS emails.
Scheduled guidance appointments will be available once all student timetables have been finalized.