Newmarket High School offers several levels of service for students with special needs exceptionalities).
Credit-Bearing Support Leading to Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Indirect Service support
Indirect Service is a level of support that may be provided to students who are placed in the regular classroom. The special education resource teacher (SERT) in consultation with the classroom teachers monitors the student’s progress and recommends program accommodations. Gifted students with a sole identification will be automatically placed in this support level if they are taking less than four gifted courses, unless suggested otherwise by the elementary school or the parents/guardians.
Partially Integrated support (Gifted Program for grades 9 and 10)
Partially Integrated is a level of support that may be provided to gifted students. A special education resource teacher (SERT) monitors the student’s progress and recommends program accommodations. Gifted students will be automatically placed in this support level if they are taking four or more gifted courses (i.e. grades 9 and 10).
Resource Assistance support
Resource Assistance may be provided in a classroom by a SERT on a regular basis. Instructional interventions and/or accommodations are provided and continually assessed and evaluated by the classroom teacher and/or SERT. Depending on individual need, the student will be supported in a regular class on a regular basis.
Withdrawal Assistance class (1.0 credit / year, up to four credits total)
Learning Strategies: (GLE1O/GLE2O), Skills for Success in Secondary School.
These two courses focus on learning strategies to help students become more independent learners. Students will learn how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personal management skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills to improve their learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community. The courses help students build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond. In high school, one credit is available per year and a class is scheduled into the student’s timetable. Please note that course availability is subject to pre-registration.
Advanced Learning Strategies: (GLE3O/GLE4O)
These grade 11 and 12 courses improve students’ learning and personal-management skills, preparing them to make successful transitions to work, training and/or postsecondary education destinations. Students will access their learning abilities and use literacy, numeracy, and research skills and personal-management techniques to maximize their learning. Students will investigate trends and resources to support their postsecondary employment, training, and/or education choices and develop a plan to help them meet their learning and career goals. Please note that course availability is subject to pre-registration.
ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Program Support
Includes Learning Strategies (GLE1ON/GLE2ON/GLE3ON/GLE4ON), and a non-credit period to support social, emotional and behavioural needs.
The ASD program provides a structured setting that focuses on social-emotional, communication, advocacy, problem-solving and learning skills. Students will be taking either academic, applied or locally developed courses in a regular class setting with support and receive accommodations to the grade expectations as set out in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Support may include two learning strategies courses per day. Timetables are tailored to the individual student’s preferred activities where possible. This program is filled regionally through central application at the elementary school. It is generally expected that students receiving this ASD support will complete high school in five years or longer.
Curriculum Connections
Community Class that does not lead to Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
Developmental Disability Program
This program is based on modified Ministry curriculum guidelines or guidelines that are alternative to the curriculum, as set out in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). It places emphasis on the development of personal and social skills, communication skills, culinary skills, money management, transit training, community exploration and work placements. The program provides a balance between academics and learning opportunities which promote and challenge each student to reach a maximum level of academic achievement, independence and citizenship. This program is filled regionally through central application at the elementary school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Services Department at Newmarket High School.