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Principal's Message 235
Principal's Message

Welcome From the Principal

Dear Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. It is our pleasure to welcome all of our new and returning families. We hope you all had a safe, healthy and enjoyable summer.

The professional and dedicated team of staff at Northern Lights Public School have a strong commitment to supporting your child’s learning, achievement and well-being. We have been working hard to prepare to welcome your child to school and to create a learning environment where they feel safe, welcome, valued and respected.

There are some important things we want to share at the start of the school year:

  • The start-up package includes important information about our school, and I encourage you to review it.

  • The Guide to the School Year includes important information you may need to access throughout the school year. You can use the translation feature on the website to translate this content. Find the guide at

  • Each year we ask families to complete important start-up forms. You will receive an email in the coming weeks from the Board with a link to the online forms. Please review and complete the forms. If you prefer to receive and complete a paper copy, please contact the main office.

We value the relationship and partnership we have with families and look forward to connecting and working with you throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions. We welcome the opportunity to connect with you.

There are many ways to stay connected with what’s happening in our school:

  • Visit our school website for up-to-date information about events.

  • Review the weekly Northern Highlights newsletter which will be sent to you each Friday by email.

  • You can also find updated information about the Board at, X (formerly Twitter) @YRDSB, Instagram @yrdsb.schools, or the Board podcast TuneIn YRDSB wherever you listen to podcasts.

We wish you all a happy, safe and successful school year.


Mrs. J. Fine


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