Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service on the York Region District School Board's website is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The York Region District School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Board encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The York Region District School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
News Archive
News Archive
Newsletters October 16, 2016 Posted: 10/16/2016 10:37:10 PM
School News:
There are many enrichment
activities planned for this school year and we wanted to be sure that you
knew about them well in advance so that you can plan accordingly. Our website calendar is up to date with
this information and events all the way in June are posted for you to see.
This is will definitely change as we book more enrichment
activities for our students to enjoy.
Oct. 18th
Lightening Thief – RHCPA
7 and 8
Oct. 18th
Spirit Day-Blue Jays!
Oct. 26th
2-6, with gr. 7 helpers
Oct. 26th
Mathletes Family Night
All family members/all ages of gr 2-6
Oct. 31st
Duffle Bag Theatre-Peter Pan: Prologue
Arts performance @ our school
Oct. 31st
Fall Dance 50 minutes each grade
Nov. 2nd
Anne Frank – RHCPA
5 and 6
Nov. 7th
Click, Clack Moo –RHCPA
Nov. 11th
Remembrance Day Ceremony
Dec. 15th
Shaun Boothe – Prologue Arts performance
@ our school
Jan. 12th&13th
Learn to Curl Activity @ our school
Feb. 21st-23rd
Snowshoeing at our school
April 4th
Torq Percussion Prologue Arts performance
@ our school
April 18th
Seussical the Musical – RHCPA
May 11th
Anne of Green Gables – RHCPA
May 18th
EQAO Results
Last Spring, Grade 3 and Grade 6 students from
across Ontario participated in an assessment of reading, writing, and
mathematics. This assessment was conducted by the Education Quality and
Accountability Office (EQAO), an independent agency whose mandate is to ensure
greater accountability and help improve the quality of education by providing
clear and timely information about student achievement in Ontario schools.
EQAO results represent one measure of students’
achievement in reading, writing and mathematics. EQAO believes classroom data is the richest
source of student achievement data.
EQAO results are an added source of information to inform classroom
instruction and student achievement.
Results for our school, school board and province
are provided to assist you in understanding the assessment results both
within our local context and across the system.
To view samples of student work and to understand
what work at each level looks like, visit the EQAO Web site, www.eqao.com.
At O.M. MacKillop, we are committed to developing
students’ literacy and numeracy skills through the use of the comprehensive
math program strategy and rich literacy resources. We constantly scrutinize and adjust our
instructional practice as we reflect on the effectiveness of our work. Our very small sample size has a
significant impact on our results. We
are actively analyzing the results of this year’s EQAO test and making
changes to our practices to affect a positive outcome for our students.
from the School
Please consider signing up to receive text messages prompting
you to read our OMM Updates or other information from the school ex. Sports
results, field trip bus arrival times, etc.
You do not have to download the app for this service to work. You will
need to pay for any fees that your plan charges to receive text messages.
Please look at our calendar of events on the school’s
website. It is the most up to date
information about school activities.
We will not be distributing hard copies of our school events
Clubs, Sports and Activities Posted: 10/5/2016 5:50:54 PM The Cross Country area meet will be held this Thursday Oct 6, 2016 at the field across from Richmond Green H.S. -Ms. Nguyen and Ms Wiens-DeMelo
Parents of grade 8 students are invited to attend a fundraising meeting on Thursday Oct 6, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the Staff Room to discuss fundraising ideas in support of the grade 8 graduation. - Ms. Nguyen
The OM MacKillop choir has started for students in grade 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8! It's not too late to sign up. We are rehearsing on Day 3 & 4 at morning recces. Stay tuned for information about our first performance. -Ms.Caesar
Snack Team News:
We have been the recipients of some grants from outside sources, for which we are very grateful. Part of our eligibility for grants requires that we run projects .
Our projects for this year include developing a recipe book that will highlight snack recipes that are easy to prepare. We hope that parents will share with us (via their students) some of their favorite snacks, including those that are from different cultures, so we can all try something new!
In the New Year, we hope to be able to offer a "Tasting Booth" that will feature some fruit and vegetables that may be new to some of us. We look forward to your support in encouraging healthy and nutritious meals and snacks! Thanks in advance...The Healthy Schools Snack Team. - Ms. Douglas October 4, 2016 Posted: 10/4/2016 5:48:17 PM Curriculum
Please join us for our Curriculum Night on October 13, 2016 from
6pm to 7pm. The evening’s format will be
an informal drop in /open house where you can visit you child’s classroom,
introduce yourself to the teachers and collect information about the curriculum
units that will be covered in all subjects this year. This is not an evening to have a personal
meeting with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress to
date. Please call your child’s teacher
to arrange a meeting or a phone conversation if you wish detailed information
about your child’s progress.
Dental Screening
for all students will occur on October
11th. Dental screening is
a quick inspection of a child’s mouth by a registered dental hygienist. York
Region Public Health offers dental screening in elementary schools, by
appointment at one of York Region’s Public Health dental clinics, or by request
at some Ontario Early Years Centres.
A dental
screening will help find dental problems so children can receive the right
treatment. It can also be the first step to receiving assistance for urgent
dental problems through the Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO)program, or
receiving preventive dental care at one of York Region’s Public Health dental
Our picture day will be held on October 17th. Our kindergarten children will be
photographed early in the day, followed by our primary, junior and then
intermediate classes.
Parent and
Student Math Night
book October 26th in your calendars. This is our Mathletes Night for
Families with children in grades 2-6. This
is a free event sponsored by the Parents Reaching Out Grant that our School
Council obtained from the Ministry of Education on behalf of all MacKillop families.
5:45 Sign-in
6:00 - 7:30
Math Games
by October 19th
for a NIGHT of
Please use this link to register--- https://goo.gl/forms/ltMF5XIHlX9JsKON2
Please look at our calendar of events on the school’s
website. It is the most up to date information
about school activities. We will not be
distributing hard copies of our school events calendar.
First Day 2016-2017 Posted: 9/10/2016 9:44:20 PM September 5, 2016
Happy School Year!Just one more sleep until the best day of the year. We are looking forward to meeting you for the first time or welcoming you back after the summer holidays. We hope that everyone is rested and eager to start learning.
Class Assignment/Teacher:
Your child’s teacher is listed at the top of this e-mail. Please arrive at school between 8:50 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and head to the ‘backyard’. We will be there ready to greet you and show you which doors your child will use for entering and exiting the school each day. If you need assistance, please look for one of the staff in a safety vest, they will guide you to where you need to be. Students were carefully selected for each class by last year’s teacher if applicable. Classes have been balanced and factors such as learning styles/teacher styles, gender balance, friends and best learning partners have been considered. Classes may need to be re-organized near the end of September to adhere to the Ministry of Education’s Primary Class Size Reduction Mandate and Junior Grade Targets. If a re-organization is necessary, I will communicate with the entire school community at the appropriate time.
Four-legged family members:
The first day of school is an exciting time for everyone. We know that extended family members may want to accompany your child to school tomorrow and we say, FANTASTIC! The more people a child has supporting them in their life they more confident they will likely feel. I must insist, however, that the four-legged furry members of your family not come onto school property when you are dropping off or picking up your child. There are children who are not comfortable around dogs even when they are on a leash or in your arms. Asking you to keep your dog off school property during entry and dismissal time is asking you to respect the needs of all the students. We need to ensure that everyone can come to the school yard and feel safe. We ask that you respect this request and have your child say his or her good-byes to the four-legged member of your family either at home or elsewhere off school property.
Parking Lot/Crossing Guards:
Our parking lot will be closed during entry and dismissal. This is for the safety of our children and staff. Our staff has grown significantly this year and all of the parking spots will be required for our school staff and Board employees who need to work in our school during the day. Please walk to school with your child if possible or park a block or two away and walk to school from there. Crossing guards will be posted at Levendale Rd and Lucas St and also at Rumble Ave and Parkston Crt/Maria Crt.
School Access:
Please know that only students and staff are permitted in the school before, during and after school. If you need to be in the building for a meeting, to watch an extra-curricular activity, if you are volunteering, etc. please sign in at the main office after entering the building through the front door. OMM Update March 25, 2016 Posted: 3/28/2016 5:18:03 PM
School News:
New Lunch Program
Session Dates
Sub - Thursdays
Chalet - Fridays
Pizza - Tuesdays
April 12,19,26
May 3,10,17,24,31
June 7,14,21,28
Hot Dog - Wednesdays
April 13,20,27
May 4,11,18,25
June 1,8,15,22
Please return your completed forms by
Friday April 1, 2016
Will you be moving? Please let us know.
We have already begun initial planning for
the 2016/2017 school year. We are in the process of projecting the number of
students that will be O.M. MacKillop next year. In order to help us in this
process, we ask you to inform the office if you will be moving over the summer
or if your child will be attending a different school in the fall. You do not need to complete this survey again
if you have already done so. http://goo.gl/forms/Y1vTE6sSoh
A reminder if you haven’t already registered it’s not too late. If you have
already registered please encourage your child to try and hit the 5-8 lesson
per week threshold.
Time Program at O.M. MacKillop
We are very excited to be able to offer your
children the opportunity to take part in a variety of new lunch time programs.
Programs such as Lego Animation (Gr.1-4),
Video Game Creator (GR. 2-6), and Red Cross Babysitting (11 years and older)
offered by, Camp Green Acres. As well as
All sports (JK/SK), Art Attack (Gr. 3-8),
Basketball (Gr. 1-4), and Taekwon-Do (Gr. 1-8) offered by the Town of Richmond
Hill. Please see forms that went home earlier this week for all the details.
Up-Coming Events:
March 25th
Good Friday
March 28th
30th – Fri. Apr. 1st
Awareness Workshops Gr. 1-8
April 6th
Summer Institute Posted: 3/28/2016 5:20:40 PM This is a fabulous program for students currently in JK –
grade 8. Please register early if you are interested, spots fill up very
quickly. The closest SI location will be at Crosby Heights P.S.
Be well,
J. Linton
Want to see a show? Posted: 3/28/2016 5:21:27 PM Hello Families,
We have invited a fabulous artist to our school this
Wednesday morning (March 2nd) to entertain our students and
share some insights about the messages we send with our body and facial
expressions. This performance is suitable for students from JK-8, so all
of our students will get to watch the performance. We do need your help
with supervision and if you have already obtained a Vulnerable Sector
Screening from the York Region Police, we welcome you join us for the
performance. Please let us know if you plan to attend the show which will start
at 11:25 and run until approximately 12:15. We thank you and
the School Council for raising funds to support the booking of this
Be well,
Jacqueline Linton
Principal School Council Lunch Survey Posted: 3/28/2016 5:22:26 PM Hello Families,
Please take a moment to complete this short survey regarding
the lunches offered for purchase at our school. We will use your
responses to plan for our next session which will begin in April.
Your response is requested by February 29, 2016. http://goo.gl/forms/v1hsxlcpPK
School Council December 11, 2015 Posted: 12/11/2015 7:32:24 PM School News:
have a Twitter account! Please follow us
on Twitter to get updates on various school activities. @OM_MackPS
Did you receive your
child’s Progress Report after school today?
Please ask them for it. Progress
Reports were created for students in grades 1-8 only.
Thank you to all our Mustangs for contributing very generously
to the Holiday Heroes Drive. We filled
up a large school bus with all of the donations. Now we have to calculate which classes won
the challenges that were “thrown down” last week. I understand that Pudding Sugar Socks, an elf
from the North Pole, might be visiting us again to announce the winners.
Our co-ed junior
volleyball team tryouts have been on-going this week. We hope that everyone is having fun trying
out for the team even though not everyone will be selected.
Chess Club has started
up with Ms. Nguyen and students from grades 4-8 have been enjoying creating
crafts with Mrs. Linton.
If you have a special
skill that you can teach to our children during morning recess or lunch recess,
we would love to hear from you. Please
let us know how you might be able to contribute.
Thank you for adhering to the deadline for the hot lunches. We will not be able to accept any late pizza,
hot dog, sub or Swiss Chalet orders for the January session. The next session begins on January 12th…this
is NOT the first week back at school.
Next Friday is the last day of school before the winter
break. We will be celebrating the day in
our pyjamas (again…because it is sooooo comfortable), enjoying hot chocolate
and singing songs. If you child requires
a dairy-free hot chocolate, please let Mrs. Linton know: jacqueline.linton@yrdsb.ca
Stay tuned for news about a wonderful Math Enrichment program
that can be used 365 days a year by all students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.
The regional elementary
arts program at Baythorn PS. information night for parents of interested
students currently in grade 4 and 5 will be held on Wednesday, January 13th,
2016, at Baythorn PS at 7:00 pm. More
information can be found on the Baythorn website: http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/baythorn.ps/arts/Pages/default.aspx
information will be updated shortly so please continue to check this link for
2016 information.
Please read Trustee Corrie Bain’s message to families: http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/ommackillop.ps/info/Pages/Trustee-Message.aspx
Immersion Information Sessions and Registrations
Information sessions for the French
Immersion (FI) program will take place at French Immersion schools on January
14, 2016 at 7 p.m. Your designated FI school is Michaëlle Jean Public School,
320 Shirley Drive, Richmond Hill. Please
visit YRDSB’s website in January 2016 for any additional information (http://www.yrdsb.ca/Programs/fi/Pages/Program-Locations.aspx).
FI registration will begin January 15,
2016, after 8:30 am. Parents or guardians of Senior Kindergarten students
entering Grade 1 in September 2016, and wishing to enrol in
the FI Program, can visit or call the current school office and request an
Office Index Card - short version. The
Office Index Card must be signed by the principal of the home school where your
child attends Senior Kindergarten.
Parents or
guardians then take this form,
along with one piece of identification showing their address to Michaëlle Jean
Public School to register between January 15 and February 12, 2016. This
eliminates the need to provide duplicate enrollment information or to
YRDSB’s FI Accommodation Plan provides long-term consistency and equity of
access to all students in York Region and will enable YRDSB to continue to offer the FI
program to all who wish to enrol. The FI program will be
offered in Dual
Track or Single Track settings, in a variety of configurations. In order to meet
community needs and optimize available space in our schools, a community's
Grade 1-8 FI program may be provided over more than one school during the
course of a student's FI education. This will allow flexibility in addressing community needs and the
opportunity to use existing space in schools. More information is available on
the Board’s website: www.yrdsb.ca. Please note: Some of the FI
accommodation plans will require facility modifications or the development of
new schools and will require short-term transition plans that might include
overflow while we work toward the long-term vision. Overflow
refers to situations in which the Board directs students to attend a school
other than their community school or optional program for a specific period of
time, as defined in Policy #108. October 13, 2015 Posted: 11/20/2015 1:03:44 PM School News:
to our Cross Country Runners
An amazing team of athletes
participated in the area cross country meet last week Thursday. The weather was beautiful, our athletes were
fast and our Mustang spirit was strong.
Thank you to our grade 8 students who were course marshals and helped
everyone enjoy a safe day. Thank you to the teachers who supervised the
students: Mr. Potyok, Ms Nguyen and Mr. Kaliczak. And, a HUGE thank-you to Ms
Painter who organized the entire cross country meet for all of the athletes at
all of the schools in our Central area of YRDSB. Events such as this one are so meaningful for
children. Please encourage your son or
daughter to participate in extra-curricular activities to enrich their school
experience. We have 6 students moving on
to the Regional Cross Country Meet this Thursday. Go Mustangs, Go!
Dynamix and School
October 3rd, many families came to school ON A SATURDAY(wow) to eat
pizza, have fun and take home presents.
We spend 90 minutes solving challenges and learning how to work better
Dynamix and K-8 Students—October 14th
We had such a great time at the
Dynamix Family event that we are going to have a full day of Dynamix fun on
Wednesday for all of our students.
Parents (with Police Vulnerable Screening Checks) are welcome to join
us. This is the schedule for the day:
9:10-9:55 Kinder Co-op Group 1-Bremner
10:00-10:45 Kinder Co-op Group 2-Gelman
11:20-12:20 Spirit Challenge Grades 6-8
2:00-3:00 Spirit Challenge Grades 1-5
School Council Spirit Wear Clearance Sale
We have a few items of spirit
wear available from previous years that are being sold at ROCK BOTTOM
PRICES. Please click
this link to access the inventory and
order form. These items will be sold on
a first come, first served basis and stock is very limited. Our 2015-2016 Spirit Wear campaign will start
in the near future…but the prices will be higher so get your goodies at the
reduced price while you can.
Arts Unionville is the YRDSB specialty high school Arts program offered at Unionville
High School to artistically talented grade 8 students residing within Arts
Unionville boundaries who will be entering high school in September 2016.
All York Region grade 8 students (no boundary limitations) are eligible to apply to
the Piano Programs. York Region grade 8 students who reside within
Arts Unionville, Arts Huron Heights, and Arts Westmount boundaries are eligible
to apply for the Strings Programs.
– 8:30 p.m. (parents, guardians, & students)
call the Markham Theatre directly, after October 1st, to reserve seating at 905-305-7469.
Monday, November 30th, 2015
AUDITIONS: January 22nd – 28th, 2016
Information and the online application form are
available at www.yrdsb.ca/schools/unionville.hs/. Click on Arts Unionville tab. We
are only accepting applications online. The online application will be
available as of November 4th. If you have any questions, please
contact Effie Kyriopoulos, Arts Unionville Secretary, at 905-479-2787 extension
458 or effie.kyriopoulos@yrdsb.ca.
Adult English as a Second Language
Are you interested in taking English
classes? Do you have a neighbour or
friend who wants to study English too?
If we have 10 interested adults then we might be able to start a class
to learn English here at O.M. MacKillop P.S.
Please let me know if you are interested in this opportunity by October
Please note that more detailed
information about other class locations and times are available on the YRDSB
website (www.yrdsb.ca) in Programs
and Services under the Continuing Education heading. It is listed as
English as a Second Language. In addition, information about Literacy
Basic Skills Program (skills upgrading) is available under the same heading
Up-Coming Events:
October 14th
Workshops all grades
October 15th
Cross Country
October 19th
Elections-our school is a polling station
October 29, 2015 Posted: 11/20/2015 1:04:45 PM School News:
Junglesport activity starts on November 3rd. Please send in the consent form and $16.00
payment no later than October 30th if you wish to have your child
participate in the adventure. At this point in time we are making alternative arrangements
just in case it is necessary to move the Junglesport activity away from
Wednesday, November 4th. The
current ETFO work action will impact our teachers ability to supervise students
on Wynne Wednesday’s outside of the regular class and duty schedule. If
necessary, Junglesport will occur on November 3, 5, 6 and Monday the 9th. We await confirmation of the possible need to
change and I will let you know if a revision is needed as soon as possible.
2.Our Fall Dance will be held during school hours this
Friday. It coincides with our school
spirit day and everyone is encouraged to wear BLACK or ORANGE to
school on October 30th. If
you allow your child to wear their Hallowe’en costume at school on Friday,
please remember that in accordance with our Safe Schools Policy masks must
not be worn and absolutely no replica weapons can be brought to school as part
of a costume. A student of any age will be suspended from school if their costume
includes a replica weapon. Please
keep all toy guns, knives, grenades, swords, nunchuks, daggers, scythes, etc.
at home. (I have seen them all during my
years as an educator.) We are focusing
on the fun of dressing up so please understand that fake blood and festering
wounds should not be part of the costumes worn to school. When students are
frightened by this type of make-up, we can’t console them the same way you
would as a parent. Also, please protect
precious costume items at home. We don’t
want to have disappointed children on October 31st if a costume item
gets left at school.
Daylight Savings time comes to an end this
weekend. Time changes are difficult for
children and adults alike. Please try to
help the transition by sticking with your bedtime routines and consider
changing (delaying) sleep time by 20 minutes every two days over the next week.
This will hopefully help your children
wake up closer to the new time versus the “too early” hour. Of course, if you have children in grade 7 or
8 you probably want them to wake up an hour earlier than they likely do already
in order to be ready to get to school on time with a more relaxed morning
routine. Good Luck!
Up-Coming Events:
2, 2015 (If it isn’t raining)
Council Meeting
2, 2015 7:30pm-9:00pm
(optional enrichment activity $16.00 fee)
3-6, 2015 (date changes TBD)
2 Lunch Orders are due
9, 2015
Retake Day
9, 2015
members are invited to attend our assembly (details about the start time to
11, 2015
November 20, 2015 Posted: 11/20/2015 3:00:37 PM School News:
to our girls and boys intermediate volleyball teams. Both teams have had the opportunity to
compete in local tournaments and our Mustangs are improving their skills with
each game. Thank-you to Coach Painter and Coach Potyok for giving so many hours
of your personal time to help our athletes grow.
Our Student Voice group is promoting a Holiday Heroes
Drive. Starting on Monday, November 23rd,
families are encouraged to send in a new unwrapped gift, new clothes, new
toiletries or non-perishable donations to the Food Bank. Gift cards of all sorts would also be
accepted. This might be a great time to
try out our school’s Fundscrip Fundraiser and purchase your gift cards for the
season while support our school at the same time. The Holiday Heroes Drive will end on December
From the
office… We would appreciate your co-operation following the lunch time
sign out procedure that was
communicated in the School Start-Up Package.
At the beginning of the year families signed a form indicating whether a
student would be staying at school each and every day for lunch or going home
for lunch each and every day. If there is a special day when a student has
parental permission to leave the school property for lunch then the following
must occur:
Permission to sign out for lunch must be received in a note that
is dated with the current day’s date and has a parent/guardian signature.
The note must be presented to the first period teacher so that
it can be received in the office with the morning attendance.
We cannot accept a telephone call
providing permission for a student to sign out.
Our attendance records must have a parent’s signature to authorize a
student to leave the school property during the day. We cannot accept an e-mail to provide
permission, however we will accept a signed fax if it is received before 9:30
New Computers Arriving Soon!
We have recently ordered:
5 new Ipads,
6 new Dell notebooks and
1charging cart for 15 laptops.
These purchases couldn’t have been possible without your
fundraising support. Thank you. Our new technology will help immensely with
the implementation of a brand new MATH ENRICHMENT program that is coming our
way in the new year…stay tuned for more information.
From School Council…
Thank you for your
continued support of our fundraising activities. We want to thank our many volunteers who
organize a variety hot lunch options and different sales campaigns.
Our next hot lunch
order forms are due on December 8th.
Absolutely NO late orders will be
accepted. We know that you will understand how difficult it is to manage
the large quantity of orders and the need to establish a cut-off date.
You will be receiving
our School Fundraising Survey in a separate e-mail. Please complete the survey
as soon as you can. Your input helps
determine which fundraisers we will pursue and how the money will be spent.
Indigo Love of Reading
Adopt a School Results
Thank you all for your
support during the Adopt a School campaign.
We would like to thank the families who generously donated books to our
school library during the campaign. Mrs.
Keimel will be purchasing $516.00 worth of new books for our students. Thanks again!
23rd-December 10th
Heroes Drive
November 26, 2015
Knitwit Hat and Poinsettia Orders Due
27, 2015
Activity Day (No School)
2, 2015
Event: Pyjama Day
December 8, 2015
Hot Lunch Orders Due-Final deadline
December 8, 2015
Poinsettia Orders
available for pick up.
September 23, 2015 Posted: 9/23/2015 4:38:17 PM O.M.MacKillop Update
September 23, 2015
School Crossing Guards
needed. The Town of Richmond Hill is
having difficulty filling the crossing guard positions that are available in
our area. Leo, our crossing guard on
Rumble, broke his leg and his position has remained unfilled. If you are interested in this job or know of
someone who might be, please contact the Town of Richmond Hill directly. http://www.richmondhill.ca/employment/currentOpp.asp The salary
starts at $13.50/hr with allowances for travel and possible attendance bonus.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Next week we will
be encouraging students to donate a twoonie $2.00 to wear a hat all day on Tuesday. The money donated will go to Ontario Parents
Advocating for Children with Cancer
(OPACC). You can read more about
the work this organization does on their website. http://www.opacc.org
We also encourage students and staff to wear yellow or gold on Tuesday
and Wednesday to wrap up the month.
Terry Fox Walk/Run. We will have our Terry Fox walk next
Wednesday as originally planned.
Donations for the Terry Fox Foundation are welcomed and this year there
is an on-line donation option offered by
the Terry Fox Foundation for your convenience. https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/TeamPage.aspx?EventID=166394&LangPref=en-CA&TeamID=594910
Lunch Programs…all lunch
orders are due by September 25th.
We need help for Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please let us know if you can spare 30-60
minutes on one of these days…or both!
School Council News-
Our meeting dates for this school year are as follows:
October 5—elections held this meeting
November 2
January 11
February 1
April 4
May 2
June 6
We are looking for parents to provide input regarding our
outdoor learning spaces (Mustang Meadows and the Outdoor Classroom). Please let us know if you are interested in
being a part of the focus group.
Grade 8 Graduation Celebrations Committee: Are you interested in being a part of the
planning team for the grade 8 year end celebrations? If so, please e-mail Sheryl Young with your
availability and contact information.
Sheryl is a parent with students in grades 8 and 5 here at
MacKillop. rseyoung@hotmail.com
School Photo Day---new date!
Our photo day will now be on October 5th. This change has been done to accommodate our
new cross country date (October 8th).
Adopt-a-school! Keep adopting us and tell
your friends to adopt us too. https://adoptaschool.indigo.ca/eng/schools/1434 We moved from 18th to 17th
place this afternoon. We could win up to
$10, 000.00 for our school library.
Be well, Mrs.
Linton, Principal![20150923_131728[1].jpg](/schools/ommackillop.ps/NewsEvents/Documents/20150923_131728[1].jpg)
September 15, 2015 Posted: 9/21/2015 11:23:09 AM Our first full week of school is over, can you believe it?
Things are already in full swing here and we wanted to
inform you of some of the activities that are going on or are on the horizon.
In addition to these e-mails,
you can look at our website for school information. On the site you will
find an events calendar, news from the School Council, updates from YRDSB,
reminders about special activities and all sorts of forms (lunch, field trip,
etc.). When you visit the school website please take a moment to sign up
for the commercial content e-mails. If you do, we can send you reminders
about payments for photo days, field trips, lunches, and more.
Information about our lunch
programs will be sent home this week. This year you can choose from
weekly pizza, hot dogs, subs, popcorn and Lunch Lady. We will have
special cookie days throughout the year. The lunch programs are
fundraisers that support a variety of activities in the school including:
Scientists in the Schools, Mathletes, Grade 8 celebrations, spirit days and the
list goes on and on.
Our first School Council meeting will be this Monday,
September 21st from 7pm-9pm. The agenda can be found on our
website: http://ommackillop.ps.yrdsb.ca/
Students have started joining clubs and sports teams. Our
cross country team is up and running…”up and running” get it? LOL.
Practices are Mondays and Wednesdays 3:35-4:10 and Thursdays during morning
recess. If you child would like to participate, they must have you sign a
permission form that is available for pick up in the office. The area
meet is on October 7th and the regional meet is October 14th.
Our Student Voice group is taking new members. We need to
hear what our students have to say in order to make our school and this world a
better place. Please encourage your child to join the Student Voice
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. It is also
the month that we have our annual Terry Fox run/walk. I am looking for
parent volunteers to help organize our Terry Fox walk/run. Our run/walk
will be held on September 30th. On September 29 and 30th,
students and staff will be encouraged to wear GOLD or YELLOW in
support of Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Our students will be able to
wear a hat in school all day (Caps for Cancer) on September 29th if
they donate $2.00 or more. The money will be donated to Ontario Parents
Advocating for Children with Cancer OPACC. I am the mom of a child
diagnosed with cancer. I am here to support you and anyone you know who
may have to deal with this terrible reality.
Do you have an hour or two available to spare? We are
always looking for volunteers. Perhaps you could listen to a child read,
hand out pizza, shop for hot dog buns. If you have some free time we
would love you to support our students. A volunteer working in the school
or directly with students will need to obtain a Vulnerable Sector Police
Screening report. Please see Mrs. Papadopoulos or Mrs. Diamond in the
office if you are interested and we will provide you with a letter to take to
the police station.
Well, that’s it for this week.
Be well
End of Year Update Posted: 6/24/2015 6:50:00 PM
A Wonderful Year:
is unbelievable that we have already reached the end of the school year. I want to thank you all for the incredible
support that you have given me during my first year at MacKillop.
staff, students and I have already started meeting about next school year and
plans to partner with the Marlies, start a primary/junior soccer club, put
together some hockey teams, have a Math Olympics day and lots more. Let’s hope that everyone comes back to school
safe, sound and rested for a new and exciting year.
8s, we will miss you as you head onto high school. You are a super group of kids and on Monday
we saw what a wonderful group of young adults you are becoming. K-7 students, you are amazing too and I am
looking forward to seeing you in the new school year. Enjoy a wonderful summer!
Please encourage your child to look through our lost and found items
to claim their property. All items will
be collected on Friday and donated to charity.
You are welcome to come in yourself to look through the tables of
clothes and shoes before 3pm on Friday.
Cash Payments:
Our school will be accepting online payments through School Cash
Online starting in September. School
related expenses such as hot lunches, field trips and fundraisers will be
online for you to make payment. Watch for more information coming soon.
at the beginning of the school year:
If your child will not be starting school on the first day,
September 8, 2015, please send us an e-mail or letter as soon as possible. We must know if your child will be attending
even if they are at school on the first day or we will need to remove them from
our register.
We still have several promotion letters in the office for
students who were not in class this week.
The letters contain attendance information and grade placement
information for September. The promotion
letters will be filed in each student’s individual record (OSR) and will be the
legal notification of promotion to the next grade. If you haven’t seen your child’s promotion
letter please ask them for it or pick it up in the main office.
Are you moving this
summer? If so, please send us your new
address so that we can update our files. Our staffing depends on accurate
registration numbers. It helps us to
know early if your child will be attending another school in the fall.
End of Year Assembly and Clap-Out
We will be viewing the
year end slide show tomorrow and celebrating Gordon (our crossing guard) and
the teachers who are leaving MacKillop this year. We will have a limited number of seats
available for parents who might like to join us at 9:30 a.m. The assembly will run until 10:45.
June 12, 2015 Posted: 6/12/2015 4:08:31 PM The fun continues at MacKillop and yesterday was another amazing
day for all of us.
At the beginning of the day we sent over 60 athletes from grades
4-8 to the area track and field competition.
Well done MacKillop jumpers, runners and throwers. We had some
fabulous results at the area meet. All participants put forward their best
effort on the playing field. The following athletes earned a ribbon.
Alisha 3rd in 100m and 5th in running long
Serenity 2nd in ball throw
Callum 1st in 400m
Tom 2nd in running long
Ryan 6th in 100m
Sofia F 1st in 400m and 3rd in 100m
and Sara R 1st in running long
Tom, Serenity, Callum, Sofia, and Sara will be going to regionals!
Thank you to Ms Nguyen, Ms Painter, Ms Soper and Ms Yu for
taking the students to the event. Thanks
also to Mrs. McClelland for delivering the pita lunches to the athletes.
We finished the day
with our annual Fun Fair. I know from
the smiles seen and laughter heard that everyone had a great time. The rock bands and talent show were
incredibly entertaining…we have such a talented group of students here at
MacKillop. Mr. Potyok, the kids that you
have trained ROCK! Thank you to Ms Jyoti
and her team of volunteers for organizing this year’s fun fair. We can’t wait for you to do it all again next
June. The following prize baskets were not claimed last night. Please bring in your ticket to the office to
claim your basket.
Craft table #7234339
Lego Star Wars
Patio Party #7276829
Candyman #8776519
Lunch Program End Dates:
Pita lunch=June 11th
Sub lunch=June 18th
Milk delivery=June 19th
Lunch Lady lunch=June 22nd
Pizza lunch=June 23rd
Hot Dog lunch=June 24th
The Bike Fest will be
held on June 19th. Bikes will
be stored in the gym during the school day. You can still sign up!
Our tradition at
MacKillop is to recognize our graduating students by sending them off to summer
vacation with a full school clap out.
The change in the schedule for June 25th has impacted many
grade eights who were heading to camp after the historical early
dismissal. This year our clap out will
occur at noon in order to celebrate all of the grade 8s. Classes will still continue in the afternoon
for students who are not signed out by a parent.
Finally, for this week,
it is the time to share with you the staff members who will not be returning to
MacKillop next year.
We want to thank our
temporary staff for their dedication and efforts to support the children at our
school. Some of these staff members
might return in September if we are fortunate however, we wish them all well in
whatever new post comes their way.
Farewell to Mr. Chu, Ms Ge, Ms Gelman, Ms Martchenkov and Ms Yu.
Ms Wirth has accepted a
position at a school much closer to her home.
Bonne chance, Madame!
Last but not least, Mrs.
Bowden has decided to retire after many years in the teaching profession. She has been an outstanding educator and has
always been a strong advocate for the students who need a champion. So long to our dear friend and
colleague. Pedal fast and pedal long.
Up-Coming Events:
June 15
bands concert 11:15-12:55
June 17
in School grades 5/6
June 19
8 Trip
June 19
Fest 2015
May 22, 2015 Posted: 5/22/2015 2:28:23 PM There
have been lots of amazing things happening at MacKillop. Our junior and intermediate students
participated in our Mustang PanAm track and field games today and everyone showed
great spirit and effort. Thank you to all
the volunteers who made this event possible and to Mrs. Painter for organizing
the entire day with the help of students and staff.
Two of our Mustangs were recognized last night at YRDSB awards
ceremonies. Sarni R. in grade 8 received
recognition by the Educators for Tamil Students’ Success of YRDSB group for her
academic excellence, sportsmanship and citizenship. Aaron W. in grade 6 received a ‘Yes, I Can’
award for his academic excellence. We
are very proud of our students. This is
just the beginning of award season and we know that many more students will be
honoured with special recognition this year.
The Parent, Family and
Community Engagement Advisory Committee is looking for a new parent representative
from the Central area. If you are
interested in this opportunity, please follow the link to
our website for more information.
Did you receive
information about the grade 1- 6 Bike Fest?
There is still time to register your child. This event will only be held if there is
sufficient interest. Bikes can’t be
shared for this event. Click
here for more information.
The Fun Fair is Coming! The
Fun Fair is Coming!
Please ask your youngest
child for the Fun Fair notice that was sent home this week. We are looking forward to another amazing
event. If you can volunteer an hour of
your time to prepare for the fair or to supervise an activity it would be
greatly appreciated. Perhaps you can do
simple henna art, help with our painting activity, run a game, hand out water
bottles OR make sure that the students are throwing under hand when they try to
hit Mrs. Linton in the face with a wet sponge, if you can do any of these
things then we want YOU! Let us know if
you are available to help.
Up-Coming Events:
May 25 – Fri., May 29
to School and Work Week
May 29th
7s to AMHS
Wednesday, June 3rd
Food orders for Fun
Fair Due
June 4th
to Kindergarten 5:30
June 5th
day-no school for students
June 8th
Play Day
June 9th
in the School gr. 7&8
June 11th
Track & Field
Thursday, June 11th
MacKillop Fun Fair
May 3, 2015 Posted: 6/12/2015 4:09:57 PM School
Our Spring Showcase will take
place on Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 pm in the gym. For the families who cannot
make it later in the day, we would like to invite you to our daytime
performance at 11:25 am. This is a change
in time from what was originally communicated.
For the evening performance, we
encourage all students to be at the school by 6:30 pm in their homeroom
Please click this link to let
us know which performance you will be attending and how many people will be
coming. We have to adhere to the Fire
Code and will only be able to admit a restricted number of people into the
gym. If possible, please plan to attend
the daytime performance.
R.S.V.P. – by Wednesday, May 6th please. Spring showcase seat reservation request
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. Students and staff will be engaged in a
variety of activities focusing on mental well-being.
This is the framework used in YRDSB when discussing mental
wellness. If you would like a copy
please e-mail the school or drop by to pick up a copy in the office.
We welcome Tribal Vision to O.M.MacKillop on
Friday, May 8th. This is an
Aboriginal group of artists who will share their multimedia presentation
“Visions of Turtle Island” with all of our students. The performance includes live singing and
dancing in Powwow and Haudenosaunee styles, ending with the ever popular Hoop
Dance. The presentation will be first
thing in the morning.
Up-Coming Events:
4, 2015
Voice Student Conference (Two students will represent MacKillop accompanied
by Mrs. Montgomery at this conference that looks at innovation in education. Our Voice: Our Future)
7, 2015
8, 2015
Vision performance for all students
School Council Reminders Posted: 4/7/2015 9:01:04 PM Dear
hope you enjoyed your long weekend! This is a friendly reminder of a few
3 Lunch Programs
note that our new session of pizza, hot dogs, Mr. Sub and Extreme Pita lunches
started this week. If you have any last minute orders, please send them
in with your payment.
Clothing Drive
Bag2School clothing drive is under way this week and we already saw amazing
results this morning with the number of bags being brought in. A lot of spring
cleaning happened this past weekend! Our drop off dates are as follows:
April 8, 8:30am - 9:05am and 3:35pm - 4pm
April 9, 8:30am - 9:05am
is during these times that we have grade 8 students available to help bring
heavy bags to our gym stage. The Bag2School truck is arriving for pick-up
on Thursday, April 9. If you are donating any clothes, please bring in
your bags before noon on Thursday. The grade 8 students, staff and parents
thank you for supporting their fundraiser.
Box of Cards Fundraiser
Big Box of Cards Fundraiser is coming to an end on Monday, April 13.
All orders for boxes of cards with payment should be returned to the
school by this date. Keep your sample box if you are placing orders as it
will be included as one of your orders. If you are not purchasing your
box of cards or you don’t have any orders, please return your sample box to the
school. We will begin processing orders next week.
Workshop Speakers
MacKillop PS has partnered with Silver Pines PS and Pleasantville PS to bring 3
amazing speakers to our schools April 23, April 29 and May 21. Don’t
forget to RSVP for these parent workshops. Click on this link for further details and to
RSVP for each workshop. For each workshop you attend, you will receive an
entry into our raffle draw for a great prize.
Council Meeting - Monday, April 23, 7 - 9pm
next school council meeting is on Monday, April 23 from 7 - 9pm. Please
join us as we discuss various topics including our fundraising initiatives and
how funds will be spent. We also receive updates from our principal, Ms.
Linton and our teacher representative, Ms. Bowden. Should you need
babysitting for school aged kids during our meeting, please notify us at 905
884-5711 by Friday, April 10, so that we can arrange for babysitters.
you for supporting our school council initiatives and your child’s school.
School Council Executive
April 1, 2015 Posted: 4/1/2015 5:30:26 PM School News:
On Thursday, April 2nd, staff and students
will celebrate World Autism Awareness Day and are encouraged to wear BLUE.
Students will learning about Autism through the morning announcements
and class lessons during the month of April as we have dedicated this month to
understanding the lives of people living with Autism.
Spring is in the air. Ewww, there is a nasty smell too.
Each spring and late winter
the school receives a number of complaints or inquiries concerning the
"bad smell" coming from the surface water in school yards. Sometimes the water has a yellow or
green-brown color. This natural process
also occurs on wet grassed surfaces when the top layer (1”or less) thaws while
the materials below this point are still frozen. A wet ground that suddenly
freezes under snow or ice followed by periods of thaws and then freezing over
the grass and plant material sets up a decomposition cycle similar to that in a
bog or swamp. The odour can be mild, smell like rotting manure, sewage or even
have a chemical smell. While this is not
a pleasant experience for those who have to deal with the wet and dirty clothes
or remain in proximity to the odour, it is not harmful. It is however, important for children to
avoid puddles and muddy areas as there could be other things unseen in the
water or mud such as pet feces, garbage or sharp materials. Students must play
only on the paved areas to avoid the tracking in of the decomposing materials
on clothes and boots and the other potential dangers mentioned. We realize that
this spring phenomenon will cause you to do more laundry as you try to keep
your child’s clothing clean and odour free.
We appreciate your time to help to keep things as fresh as possible.
Parent Workshops 2015
MacKillop PS, Pleasantville PS and Silver Pines PS have once again partnered
together to bring to our families a series of parent workshops by 3 amazing
speakers this Spring. These parent
workshops are made possible by the Provincial Government’s Parents Reaching Out
Grant. These workshops are free!
Shyamala Kiru, DMin, RMFT
Self Discipline: Surviving A Culture of Over Indulgence
Date: Thursday, April 23, 7 – 9pm
Location: O.M. MacKillop PS, 206 Lucas Street
Kiru is a Clinical Fellow with the American and Ontario Association of Marriage
and Family Therapy. She holds a Masters
in Counseling and a Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy. In addition to her private practice, she is a
mental health consultant for a York Region Private School and is a media expert
for sources such as Chatelaine, the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star, and
consults as an expert on the panel of Discovery Channel’s Canada’s Worst
Shyamala’s parent workshop, you will discover:
Why self discipline is critical to success
The correlation between over indulgence and
How to identify anxiety in a culture of over
Simple strategies to help kids develop self
Honey I
Wrecked The Kids
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 7 – 9pm
Location: Silver Pines PS, 112 Stave Crescent
Shafer is a psychotherapist, best selling author and internationally acclaimed
parenting expert with an approach that empowers families to live as a
democratic unit. Her style is fast,
witty, warm and engaging. She is the
resident expert on The Marilyn Denis Show, CTV News Channel and ParentDish.ca.
will teach us the 4 misbehaviour dances we do with our children and how to get
out of them. Learn why punishment and
rewards no longer work with this generation.
Learn new effective discipline techniques to feel more confident and
positive about parenting.
Resiliency in Family Life
Date: Thursday, May 21, 7 – 9pm
Location: Pleasantville PS, 400 Mill Street
Cassidy is a Mental Health Expert with the York Region Board of Education.
workshop examines how to manage stress, building our coping skills and promote
positive mental health for you and your family.
you are interested in attending any of these workshops, please RSVP by clicking
the link to complete the registration form.
For each workshop you attend, you will receive one entry into a draw for
a great prize.
will be provided for school-aged children.
MacKillop School Council
Easter and Passover to those of you observing these Holy Days starting this
Up-Coming Events:
2, 2015
Awareness Day
3, 2015
School – Good Friday
6, 2015
School – Easter Monday
March 3, 2015 Head Lice Posted: 3/3/2015 11:57:51 AM http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/head_lice
At this time of year, many students may have come into contact with
a student who has pediculosis (head lice). Head lice are common in school-aged
children. They are not considered to be a communicable disease and do not cause
illness, however they are a nuisance and can spread easily. Anyone can get them.
This information link: http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/handouts/head_lice from the
Canadian Pediatric Society contains more information about the identification,
treatment and prevention of head lice.
We encourage you to check your child’s
head. If your child has nits (eggs) and/or live lice, we request that you
notify the school and apply treatment as soon as possible. Your child can continue
to attend school when they are free of live pediculosis and when treatment has
For further information about head lice,
please contact York Region Health Connections at 1-800-361-5653. February 11, 2015 Posted: 2/11/2015 5:15:41 PM 1.We
are already planning for the 2015-2016 school year. Please complete this survey if you have a
student at our school in grades JK-7.
Students Survey
Winter Walk activity was a huge success today.
We are motivated to help all O.M. MacKillop students move a little bit
more each and every day. Our new
school-wide DPA (daily physical activity) program will start on February 17th
with leadership from our grade 7 & 8 students.
Spoken Word Poetry has hit MacKillop!
Our student team placed 2nd at the area semi-final competition
and we are awaiting word to hear if
our team will move to the finals. You
can support your child’s literacy development by helping them “play” in this
arts based language form. How about
creating an Ode to the Kitchen Table or an Ode to the Softest Tissue When You
Have A Cold? Have fun, be silly and just
start writing. February 4, 2015 Posted: 2/6/2015 11:42:46 AM
The School Council has raised funds for two arts presentations this year. The first of the performances will occur on February 10th (100th day of school!). With staff input, the Leslie McCurdy performances about Harriet Tubman were selected to be shared with our students.
We will have a slightly revised schedule on Tuesday to accommodate the performances.
Recess10:30-10:50 outside, 10:50-11:00 inside for snack
11:00-12:05 Grades 3-8
Second Performance – HARRIET IS MY HERO
12:15-12:55 Grades Kdg-2
Study guides are available if you are interested at: http://www.prologue.org/DocSco.aspx#lesliemccurdy
Thank you for your contributions to the fundraising events at O.M.MacKillop. These shows are possible because of your generosity.
Due to the strict maximum audience size of the performances, we are unable to have parents attend the Harriet is My Hero presentation. If you would like to see The Spirit of Harriet Tubman performance, please RSVP to the school via e-mail reply. A limited number of seats will be available for parents. January 19-23, 2015 Posted: 2/6/2015 7:23:52 PM
is a reminder that forms for our February 4th activity day
to Snow Valley are due this Friday January 23, 2015.
Please note that we require the majority of students to participate to ensure
this day can take place.
reference for you, below are details of the day. If you require another
form, please contact the office.
Details of the day:
Where: Snow
Valley, Barrie, Ontario
When: Wednesday
February 4, 2015
Arrive at the school at 7:30am, bus will leave
approximately 8am and return at 5pm
Lunch is not included. Please bring lunch or money for lunch.
Options/Cost: All prices include bus
transportation. Regardless of the activity chosen, all students are
required to wear a helmet. Grade4/5 Snow Pass cannot be
Skiing/snowboarding no rentals required
Ski with rentals
Snowboard with rentals
(To note, if you are renting skis or
snowboard equipment, the cost of a helmet rental is included)
Up-Coming Events:
Monday, Jan. 26th
Jr. Volleyball - vs. Beynon Fields
Home Game 3:35pm – 5pm
Tuesday, Jan. 27th
Swim to Survive (grade 3/4)
Girls basketball practice
Thursday, Jan. 29th
Jr. Volleyball practice
8am – 9am
Girls Intermediate basketball practice 3:30pm – 5pm
Friday, Jan. 30th
Senior boys Basketball 3:35pm – 5pm
Monday, Feb. 2nd
P.A. Day
Hallowe'en Dance-Student Voice Posted: 2/6/2015 7:19:08 PM On Friday October 31st, we are having a Fall Dance with a Halloween theme!
If your child does not participate in Halloween, they are still welcome to come to the dance. However, there will be an alternative activity room for any child to play in if they would not like to be at the dance. Activities such as movies and/or board games will be planned for children in the activity room.
If your child is in grades kindergarten to 2 they are scheduled for the dance/activity room during periods 2 and 3 which is 9:30-10:30 AM.
If your child is in grades 3 to 6 they will be participating in the fun during periods 4 and 5 which is at 11:55 to 12:55 PM and grades 7-8 are scheduled for 2:15-3:15 pm which is periods 7 and 8.
We hope that everyone enjoys a fun Fall activity
on Friday.
From your Student Voice : ) October 27, 2014 Posted: 2/6/2015 7:20:41 PM Each year, many of our students celebrate the long-standing tradition of Halloween.
Students celebrating this occasion in costume at our school must comply with the Safe School’s policy. Costume accessories including, but not limited to, toy guns, knives, axes, swords, etc. are not in compliance with York Region District School Board’s Safe Schools Policy #668.0.
Please note that this policy applies to all students at all levels, including Kindergarten.
October 3, 2014 Posted: 2/6/2015 7:13:00 PM Thank you all for your response to the communication survey.
Based on your feedback we will send SHORT weekly
updates. Longer updates will posted on the website.
Our Mustangs can run! Congratulations to the students who
participated in the area Cross Country Meet this week. We
have three students who qualified for the Regional Meet.
We have earned a Silver Level Medal for our work as an Eco-
School. This is the 5th year that we have participated in the
Eco-Schools initiative. Keep Green.
Our BBQ for Curriculum Night has been cancelled due to
very low orders. Curriculum Night class visits will still
October 6th School Council Meeting everyone is invited 7:00pm
October 7th Picture Day
October 9th Curriculum Night 6:30pm-7:30pm
October 10th Regional Cross Country meet
Have a safe weekend. September 29, 2014 Posted: 2/6/2015 7:17:08 PM WOW! Where has the month gone? It is hard to believe that it is already the end of September.
Last week we participated in the school-wide Terry Fox Run/Walk and with your generosity, we have surpassed our goal of raising $500.00 for cancer research.
In recognition of childhood cancer awareness month, the MacKillop staff and students have committed to wearing GOLD or yellow tomorrow, September 30th. It is a very fitting way to recognize the children in our lives who are champions.
My own son, was diagnosed with cancer 1.5 years ago when he was in grade eight. As a family, we know how simple gestures by others help us though challenging times; the simple gesture of wearing GOLD or yellow tomorrow will help many others too.
This week is Safety Week in YRDSB.
Next week we will be having our School Council elections at the meeting on October 6, 2014 at 7pm. Please join us, it is a very inclusive group and all are welcome to attend. Babysitting is available.
On October 9th, all families are invited to our BBQ and curriculum night. Your child/children will be taking home a flyer about the BBQ today. Please ask for it if it isn’t shared with you when you get home.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the office if you have any questions pertaining to information shared in this bulletin.
Be well,
Jacqueline Linton
Newsletters 2013-2014 School Year