Article 2: Mission and Statement
The School Council is the bridge connecting parents, staff and students to promote unity, collaboration, and celebrate diversity. Our mission is to facilitate a partnership among members of the school community to achieve the highest possible standards of education in an inviting and wholesome environment.
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Article 3: Purpose and Objectives
School council acts as an advisory body. Council can make recommendations to the principal and/or the Board on ANY matter (with the exception of confidential personnel matters and specific student issues).
- Encourage effective parental involvement by focusing on the following areas: parenting skills, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making and collaborating with community.
- Participate in the development and support of the school improvement plan
- Provide input into decisions made by the school administration, the Board and Ministry.
- To provide tools and equipment to assist with student learning, school wide opportunities and parent engagement events.
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Article 4: Procedures and Operating Guideline
The operational procedures of this council are outlined in the YRDSB Policy and Procedure #262, available on the Board’s website. All recommendations and activities of the council shall comply with all Ministry of Education Acts, York Region District School Board Policies and Procedures and Staff Collective Agreements.
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Article 5: Membership
There shall be no more than one member on the school council from any one household.
5.1: Number of Parent Members
The number of parents on the school council will be maximum 15.
5.2: Number of Community Representatives
The number of community representatives will be maximum 1.
5.3: Student Representative
The Principal will appoint the student representative who has been elected.
5.4: Other Members
Other members such as teacher representative and support staff representative shall be elected/appointed in accordance with YRDSB Policy #262.
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Article 6: Elections
6.1: Acclamations
Parent elections shall be by acclamation when the number of candidates is equal to, or less than the number of parent member positions on the council.
6.2: Election Procedures for Parent Members
- Each parent/guardian seeking election must be nominated or self nominated in writing, must have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by the Board.
- Each parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote for each vacant parent/guardian membership position on the council.
6.3: Terms of Office
Elected and appointed members are to serve for one year, however members may seek additional terms of office.
6.4: Vacancies in Membership
- A vacancy in the membership of a school council does not prevent the council from exercising its’ authority.
- If positions remain vacant, after the election, the council may appoint parent members.
- Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as possible by offering the person with the next highest number of votes, the opportunity to accept the position. When there are no more candidates available, council may appoint parent members.
6.5: Resignations
- Anyone who is a council member, except the principal, may resign their position by writing a letter of resignation to the chair(s).
- If someone resigns the position vacated will be filled according to Article 6.4 Vacancies.
6.6 Removal
- Council Members who miss 3 consecutive meetings may be asked to leave at the discretion of school council.
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Article 7: Executive
7.1: The Chair/Co-Chair
At the first meeting after the elections, the council will elect one chair or two co-chairs.
An employee of the board cannot be chair.
7.2: Other Officers
At the first meeting of the school year, the council will elect or appoint a recorder/secretary and treasurer.
7.3: Vacancies in Office
Officer vacancies will be filled as soon as possible according to Article 7.1 and 7.2.
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Article 8: Sub-Committees
8.1: Establishment
Sub-committees may be formed as the need arises to conduct more detailed and in-depth work, make recommendations, and keep the council informed of issues and developments in its' particular area:
- Fundraising
- Health and Safety
- Diversity
- Family Events
- Grade 8 Graduation
8.2: Sub-Committee Membership
Each sub-committees must include at least one parent member of council and may include persons who are not members of the school council.
8.3 Subcommittees will be governed by the same rules that govern the council with respect to membership, attendance and voting.
8.4 Each subcommittee will nominate its own chair and the chair of the subcommittee will report to school council regarding the sub committees plans.
8.5 Each subcommittee will set timelines to achieve goals and will execute planned activities.
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Article 9: Meetings
9.1: Quorum
A meeting will have a quorum if: The majority of council members are present
The majority of those present are parents.
A meeting of council can be held if there is no quorum but all voting will be deferred.
9.2: Decision making
The preferred method to resolve issues on council is by consensus. Consensus is a collective opinion or general agreement by ALL the council members.
In the case where a decision cannot be reached through consensus, the chair may decide to have a vote by way of a show of hands or a silent vote by those present in which a 51% majority shall carry the vote.
9.3: Conflict of Interest
If individual council members perceive themselves to be in conflict of interest, they are honour bound to declare their conflict at the earliest possible opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration.
Council members cannot receive any remuneration for their work as a member of council.
9.4: Conflict Resolution
The council will undertake to resolve all internal conflicts within it’s mandate in a timely manner
The council will abide by any conflict resolution policy issued by the board.
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Article 10: Financial Records
10.1: Signing Authorities
The School Council funds are now maintained through the school bank account. The Principal and office administrative assistant are the signing officers on the SGF account.
10.2: Disbursement and Allocation of Money
Each year school council decides if and how funds will be raised that year and how those generated funds will be spent. Once approved the School Council will notify the community in writing on how those funds will be raised and spent. The community will be notified as to how much was raised after each event.
All money must be collected by the end of each school year. Funds should be dispersed or allocated to a specific purpose by the end of that current school year. Council may decide to carry over some funds into the new school year.
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Article 11: Agendas and Minutes
11.1: Agendas
Agenda items should be submitted to the chair(s) one week prior to the council’s next meeting.
The chair(s) will set the agenda with the principal, prior to the meeting.
11.2: Minutes
Monthly meeting minutes will be sent to council members at least one week prior to the next meeting for review.
Once the monthly minutes have been approved by council they will be posted by the council secretary in the school prior to the next meeting. The approved minutes will be sent from the council secretary to the office secretary and administration so that they can be posted onto the school website. All minutes will include motions, decisions, and actions to be taken.
Members of the council must inform the chair(s) if they are going to be absent from a council meeting.
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Article 12: Constitutional Amendments
The constitution will be shared each year in October for any new members to review.
The school council will review the constitution every two years or as needed.
Constitutional amendments need a 2/3 majority to be passed.
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Reviewed May 2013
Approved by Council on June 3, 2013