2025-2026 School Year
Important Dates:
Grade 10 STEAM @RHHS
2025-2026 School Year
Important Dates:

program was developed by Richmond Hill High School teachers to integrate and
collaborate between disciplines including Science, Math, Computers,
Arts, and Technology. After recognizing the commonality within our
curriculums and goal of shaping 21st century learners, we
developed a program that provides students with hands-on
opportunities, real-life challenges, and project based
learning that incorporates training and skills students utilize
beyond the boundary of the classroom walls.
Since its beginning, The RHHS STEAM program has evolved and has
been shaped by the different teachers instructing the program. The
current model for grade 9 STEAM is the integration of math and science
curriculums, and promotion of technology and design skills to provide a
well-rounded experience. In grade 10, students focus on entrepreneurship
and computer science as they develop marketing and digital skills as they
develop an app.
Entry into the STEAM program for both Grade 9 and 10 students is
through an application process.
This program
allows students to experience a more real-world environment where a wide array
of skills and broad knowledge are used. This is in contrast to teaching subject
areas in isolation where it might be more difficult for students to see the
interconnectedness of what they are learning.