Silver Pines Public School was officially opened in 1991. It was the first school to open in the block in 1990 to serve initial development, and an eight room addition was added to the school in 1992. There are approximately 2,700 residential units built within Silver Pines Public School’s boundary with the majority of the units built prior to 1999 and minimal residential development remaining. Silver Pines Public School has a capacity of 753 and a January 15, 2013 enrolment of 719. Silver Pines Public School is currently receiving students on overflow from Herbert H. Carnegie Public School and Trillium Woods Public School.
- promotes a safe and supportive learning environment. This is done through the Board's Safe Schools Policy, Restorative Approaches, Progressive Discipline and Character Education, and the VIP (Values-Influences-Peers) program
- provides Special Education Programs for our special needs students
- The YMCA provides a child care program during the day for pre-schoolers and a before- and after-school program for school-age students
This year we worked with staff, students and families to develop our “Touchstone”. A touchstone is a way of expressing the school’s vision and way of thinking, feeling, acting and interacting with one another. We believe that these ideas will help foster a community of learners who are inquisitive, innovative, responsible, respectful and high achieving global citizens.
At Silver Pines we are one big family. We lift each other up if we fall.
We include everyone and strive to make all members of our community feel safe and welcome.
We are not afraid to stand out and make a difference.
We are kind and caring, treating others the way we want to be treated.
We use our voices to tell the truth and stand up for what we believe in.
We ask questions, have fun, and think critically and creatively.
We take initiative to care for ourselves and the world around us.
We set academic and social goals and persevere to achieve them, moving forward while learning from the past.
We are a big forest of trees, we grow tall, we grow strong, we grow together…
but branch out in our own way.
Be a leader,
Be a learner,
Have a voice,
And inspire learning!